Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

Nov 06, 2014 11:36

It's here! My DCBB, all 95K of it!
This is honestly the longest thing I've ever written.
Read it on AO3.
Art Masterlink
Author: Tennyo (AO3); kaeos_tennyo(LJ)
Artist: throughthetulips (AO3),
Fandom/genre: Supernatural/Human AU
Pairing(s): Dean/Cas, Sam/Jess, Bobby/Jody Mills, Gabriel/Kali
Rating: Mature
Word Count: ~95k
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Human Cas. Parallels to the show, and references to real events/places. Slow build/burn. Depictions of war/combat, torture, physical injury, (minor character) death. Mental Health issues, PTSD. Drug use/abuse, addiction, withdrawal. Strong language. Sexual references. internalized homophobia.

Dean Winchester is an apartment manager. Not the job he thought he’d end up with, but after a minorly debilitating arm injury as a Marine in Iraq, he’s lucky Bobby was able to find him a job.
Castiel James Novak has also returned from war after being in the Aviation regiment of the Army Special Forces. But his damage is more psychological in nature. When he moves into Singer Gardens with his cousin Anna, neither he nor Dean expect to find that they have more in common than either would have guessed.
A year in the life of two damaged men as they meet, then slowly find and heal each other. When one falls, the other is there to help him up again.
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