What Is Wrong With Me?

Sep 15, 2010 20:54

Seriously, what IS wrong with me! All that I have been able to write lately are poems and depressing poems to boot!


So yeah, and it's all vaguely RoyxEd...Vaguely. Like you have to squint, stand on your hands and tilt your head vague. I guess I see it because I wrote it and cause I put 'golden hair'. XD

College life is good for my depressing poetry! Yay!

...Not. -.-;

I have such fluffy ideas for RoyxEd fic AND a delicious vampire EdxRoy fic. Ahhh...My first seme Ed and i can't write it!!!!


Ah well, those ideas will get written soon. As will the ending of my EdxGreed....n.n Sorry Greedy-chan!

And that is my rant. Maybe if I post my poems that phase will go away? I doubt it but I can give you multiple pairings with poems!

Who wants a poem fic! Will do ANY pairing but EdxEnvy, EdxWinry, EdxAl....Yeah....

But I WILL do:

RoyxWrath (heehee. It would be interesting...But what Wrath? You decide!)
Lust!RoyxPride!Ed (my own future fic)

And any other pairing you present and I approve or at least tolerate! XP

And I shall go study for my tests now....

college, rant

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