Sep 24, 2004 13:38
Nothing particularly exciting going on here. Kael's been about the same all week, his irritability is decreased, but he's very independant and doesn't like being held much. He sleeps a LOT!
We have to reschedule the surgery consult, maybe next week sometime. I don't know when surgery will be.
I haven't taken Kael to physical therapy in a LONG time. And I haven't called early intervention and set up with them. They should come to my house...I don't know if early intervention is necessary or anything, since Kael will likely never go to school. I don't know if we need to go to PT or not. I imagine it'd be a good idea, but if he is going to contine losing skills regardless of what we do, I don't know how much to do, it stresses Kael going to appts.
The genetics/metabolics appt is Wednesday, I"ll have to address these issues with the docs and see what their opinion on the matter would be. Maybe the docs at OHSU sent the correct tests and we'll get a formal diagnosis. Maybe not. We'll see.
Its a nice day. Might take Kael for a nice walk this afternoon if he's up to it.