It doesn't get easier from here

Mar 21, 2007 21:42

Grrr when people say the first year of marriage is the worst they mean it. All this arguing and making up is insane. I think I get along with Jay'denn more. I guess the whole opposites attract thing is true as well. I'm junky she's a neat freak, I think she spends too much She thinks I don't spend enough, she thinks I'm a cocky know it all, I think she's a spoiled princess. I have too many hobbies she doesn't have enough. When we get along its great but when we argue it's worse than chopping your own finger off because the two things we do have in common are stubborness and short tempers. I don't mind the fact that we have differences it just means we balance each other out. I once heard someone say "If you're married to someone exactly like you then one of you is useless". Anyways I'm in base housing in a really nice four bedroom townhome. Things haven't been horrible, I still work with assholes but at least the complaints about me have died down a bit. EPR time is coming up and my supervisor was like "considering all the bad things thats happened you might actually have a decent EPR, not great but decent". That means a 3 is solid and a 4 is possible but unlikely. I trust Sgt Smith though. He is one of the few people in the lab that hasn't fucked me over. Basketball season has come and gone and we came out base champs. I would be more excited save the fact that I had limited play time at any rate the Group commander loves us now (he's a sports fanatic I think) and I need as many good things as possible. Next year I'm going to train hard to get a starting position though and be the vicious Power Forward I once was. Naruto Shippuden (part 2) is finally out. Thank God I was sick of the damn fillers. It is definitely more mature than the original series. I think they actually show the Jonin in a more comedic light especially Kakashi. The manga is like a hundred episodes ahead and it just gets better. I don't talk to my parents as much instead of once a week its more like once a month. Time just flies and alot of times I just don't feel like talking on the phone. I have been ignoring alot of peoples calls really. I have never been much for phone conversations. My finances are better but not yet stable however thanks to a class I've been attending called Financial Peace University (I'm not sure how many are familiar with Dave Ramsey) I have a plan and that is always a good thing. The baby is coming in about 2 weeks. Much like my wife I just want it to be over, dealing with a pregnant woman is a nightmare I keep having flashbacks of when my mom would tear my dad's head off when she was pregnant with my little sister. It's not fun at all. But we finally agreed on the name David Jonathan Lucas, David being my favorite bible character and Jonathan his best friend. Music has been stale to me. The band broke up after are guitarist/bassist got picked up by a band in Hawaii and took all of his instruments and sound equipment with him (and my two favorite drummer DVDs). I don't blame him tho I would've done the same thing. Church is on and off but I am frustrated at the fact that they always bring in outside musicians for the major conventions. Its ok though I'll get my chance eventually as well as a band to gig with. In the mean time I have a new approach to practicing that I need to implement. Especially with the next drum off 5 months away. Well thats about everything thus far. Right now I'm just here on the compy groovin to some gospel music with a hyperactive toddler asleep on my lap (I think he's wet too).
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