Dec 13, 2006 01:23
I am not sure if I have ever admitted this in my LJ but in the past year I have developed a strong hatred for the general human populace. From stupid ass drivers to stupid ass people who want to tell me what they think I should do based on the fact that they know nothing about me to the assholes that want to count me out because I'm not perfect and make mistakes. I think that last one is my biggest pet peeves. You want to piss me off treat me like I'm second rate. Its gotten so ridiculous at my job that people point the finger at me without any evidence that it was me. "Lucas gets in trouble all the time so lets use him as a scape goat". I'm sick of people walking all over me and I'm about to have some major anger issues if this bull shit keeps up. Oh by the way we got eliminated in the football playoffs because everyone wanted to be a star and not play as a team. We've lost the first two basketball games because all the "superstars" are fuckin full of themselves. Base housing needs to get their shit straight before I go the fuck off for the holiday season. Whoever hacked my myspace to send spam has a real fuckin death wish. I keep getting nagged by a pregnant wife and Jay'denn for whatever reason won't go to sleep. I just wish everyone, family friends coworkers bill collectors church goers Oklahoma/Texas drivers and anyone else I missed would get off my back because I really am not in the mood for anymore bullshit.