After the horrible events of Saturday, it was nice to get together with friends and escape from the reality with an evening of Doctor Who!
After an okay season, episode 12 and 13 did not dissapoint. As I said in my post about episode 12, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. As is the tradition with Dr Who two-parters, episode 13 was fantastic. I loved the jumping back in forth in the timeline and how they wrapped up all the unanswered questions in episode, well almost all questions. The use of the time/vortex manipulator by the Doctor was pretty awesome and how Amy was saved by putting her in the Pandorica. I also really liked the way they explained how jumping back forth in their own timelines and meeting their otherselves was not a paradox. It was an exhilerating episode from start to finish.
Rory has definetly grown on me, he was so sweet with his insistance to guard Amy for 2000 years whilst she was in the Pandorica box. I am glad they got married as I finally bought Amy and Rory's love for one another. Also, the way that the Doctor imprinted himself into Amy's memory was great. Did he ever look dapper in the tuxedo! Oh, and his dancing was hillarious.
River also kicked ass, finally, for the first time this season I liked her. She was quick on her feet and I got less of a dis-trustful feeling from her. I look forward to series six, where I hope they will explain who exactly she is to the Doctor. Her "I'm sorry, next year is when everything changes" was both a delicious tease and remnicint of Jack as is the time/vortex minipulator, coinsidence or not? Also the "Silence" thing... seeds have been planted for series six. Could it be connected to series four "Silence in the Library" episode?
I hope the last two episodes is an indication of things to come, that the Christmas Special and series 6 will be just as good or better.
Now the wait is on for the Christmas Special. I am looking forward to the RTD written two episode arc in the upcoming series of the Sarah Jane Adventures. The two episodes are called "The Death of the Doctor"... interesting indeed. Also interesting that rumours have re-surfaced that Moffatt has asked RTD to write for Doctor Who again. Could he return?!?