
Aug 13, 2020 23:29

sólo amigos ↔ friends only

Some rambling you might be interested in...
  • I post mostly in english. However, eventually with this I mean very very eventually I'll post in spanish. Just so you know.
  • A lot of my entries consist, basically, in: a) Me fangirling, b) Me talking about random things, and c) Me complaining about something :D
  • Graphics are being posted at my community, bimyeong . So if you're interested in graphics or goodies, go there :D (It's currently on the works, you've been warned)
  • If we have something in common, the better ♥
  • I won't add you back if you don't comment me in this post. I mean it. >_>

My intro post is here.

!friends only

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