. hiatus

Mar 08, 2009 21:07


yes i did it. come on and punch me in the stomach i deserve it.

I'm not sure of how I managed to survive these last weeks. School has been insane in every single way -- socially and academically talking.
And well, the reason of finally going in a hiatus... Let's be sincere, I have not updated since God knows when and, being realistic, I might not be able to do it properly until my midterms are done. My midterms begin in two weeks and they will last seven days (five one week + three the next ones). Also, I have been way too MIA these days and I have no idea of what has anyone been up to. I suck.  And I'm lacking time, overall.
Although my grades are as good as usual, I want my midterms to turn out amazing and I know I need to study as much as I can if I want them that way. And before anyone asks, "why didn't you start studying before this week?", well, they gave us the full schedule of tests this Monday and this last week I had already four tests
I don't know how long this hiatus is going to last, though. I've been, how to put it... Vegetative lately. Numb as hell. Disgustingly indifferent is more like it. And I don't really complete a day without thinking at least once how much I'd rather stay home and sleep. Just sleep and sleep and sleep until all these funny feelings just go to some other place. I'm not happy yet I'm not sad. I'm barely here and I'm confused. And let's face it -- I'm quite sure you must be fed up of my constant emo-ing and such. I know I would if I were you guys.

A friendship (or any kind of relationship) needs all of its participants to fully cooperate. And I'm not really doing it. So if any of you wants to de-friend me or anything like that, no hard feelings - go ahead. I understand. But I would like you to keep me. Even if we just exchange a couple of non-sense words once a week in a post, some of you have become people I really treasure and care about. Just so you know.

If any of you wants to send any fluffy words, has a desperate need to say hi, you need a kidney or want to drop a line like "ohmaigad i hate chu die die dieeee", I'm going to be at belleviolence eventually (it's a writing journal... or so I'd like to think) and at kiiiki_@hotmail.com -current e-mail address, feel free to send anything you want, even threads ;)

So. ♥

;hiatus oh nooooooo

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