[IC] This is the choice, this is the point of no return.

Dec 01, 2010 08:48

It was dawn when the ragged-looking redhead stumbled into Booty Bay. He needed a drink. He needed several drinks. In fact, he was fairly certain he wanted to drink himself into a stupor and spend the rest of the week fishing.

Kae headed directly For the inn, a few extra gold making sure he wouldnakt be disturbed. Goblins, as a whole, weren't a race to be trusted beyond their greed for gold, after all. But if you had enough to buy their 'respect', well. It was useful, he supposed. And reminded him never to come here with an empty coinpurse.

With a room secured, Kae headed upstairs to find it and promptly crawl into the nearest bed, face buried in the pillow. His stomach was still churning from that small bit of their disease-laced dinner, courtesy of a certain Death Knight, and his head was aching from the three-way tug-o-war just a few short hours ago.

He'd dropped Larkspur off at that same camp he'd sworn an orc had busted his knee, bound hand and food and tied to the back of his bike. He'd even sent a note to Acherus, requesting Bloodflame come and pick him up. He hoped he had. He couldn't stand the thought of...

Twitching slightly, he growls a low sound of frustration, He wanted to go to them, but he didn't dare. He wouldn't risk leading him right to them. Besides, he had his orders.

Orders. From a man who no longer outranked him.

Choose. Who do you love more, Al'arien? Who do you pledge yourself wholly to? You can't have both. One won't allow the other to exist.

Rolling over onto his back, Kae frowns at the ceiling and closes his eye. Stop thinking about it. You made your choice. There -was- no choice, just a necessity to relearn allegiance, to accept once and for all that he was no longer Sunfury. Now, if only sleep would come...
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