Rakayah glances askance at Azati, then toward Noko and Ori.
Azati says: Because you tortured his lover. Quit trying to justify stupidity. And why did you torture a man?
Kwake says: Because he rises and sleeps under the blanket of protection that I and my people provide him, then turns around and calls me a savage, and tells me he hates me.
Azati says: so you tortured a man because he said words to you. Did he burn down your house?
Kwake says: If the Alliance would have him he'd be back to putting us in camps or having our throats cut like stuck pigs!
Kwake shifts his weight up, trying to gain some height.
Azati says: so he didn't burn down your house. Did he despoil your wife?
Kwake says: He doesn't like girls.
Kwake coughs out some smoke.
Rakayah flicks a Renew on Kwake, grin crooked.
Azati says: so he didn't despoil your wife. Did he take a shit on your bike?
Kwake was just sitting up straight! He groans.
Azati says: DID HE TAKE
Azati says: A SHIT ON YOUR BIKE?
Kwake says: If he did he'd be dead!
Azati says: So all he did was say words. Well holy fuck, Kwake. What else can people say around you that will get them tortured? huh? I don't like Donuts! You gonna break my bones now, boy!
Kwake grumbles to himself, turning his eyes away and resting one elbow on his knee, clutching his smoke between to fingers as he takes a long drag off of it.
Kwake says: We're at war.
Azati says: Words.
Azati says: Did you add another fighter to the ranks of the horde? No. Looks to me like you *lost* two. Because of WORDS.
Azati says: And did he say he'd kill all orcs?
Azati says: Or did he say he wished his life was the way it used to be?
Kwake says: We saved them from another holocaust at the hands of the scourge and I have to listen to them spit in my face and call me a pig and a gorilla!
Azati says: I wish my life was the way it used to be. I wish we'd never left Draenor. I wish we never hunted down Draenei. I wish we'd never brought the Lich king into this world. You going to break my bones too?
Kwake says: And this one says he wants to go back to the Alliance while we're losing men every day to them!
Azati says: oh, what? he wishes the sunwell had never beend destroyed? He wishes southern Quel'thalas was still good fertile land? What a *baby.* let's torture him!
Azati points at Kwake.
Kwake says: How can you know someone's just chomping at the bit to go rejoin your blood enemies if he had the chance?
Kwake says: And not want to do something about it?
Azati says: You have got to keep your fucking cool, son.
Azati says: You know what I want to do about it?
Azati says: Ask him why.
Kwake says: All that is DIFFERENT!
Azati says: Ask him what he misses.
Azati says: Ask him what he hates.
Rakayah says: F'give meh fah intrudin', but I be tinkin' it be a leader's responsibility tah find out why his men don' wanna be stayin', and give 'em a reason TO stay.
Azati says: Ask him what eats at his spirit. Because he didn't try to kill you, Kwake. He just said he hates his situation.
Kwake says: It's one thing to wish we'd never drunk the demon blood, it's another to tell an elf you wished things were like the old days again!
Azati nods at Rakayah.
Kwake says: I can wish for old Draenor all I want, I'm not gonna go tell some undead I wish the Alliance would take him back so I could kill him again!
Azati says: you can walk these streets and listen. Listen to what people say about elves, behind their backs and to their faces. They're different. They're -decadent- in ways we can never afford to be.
Azati says: But if I had half the bullshit hurled at me that I hear heaped on elves? How dare you be surprised that some of them hate the horde.
Azati says: They're offered so much hate, it's no surprise they give it back. and -you-
Azati points at Kwake.
Azati says: You are part of the problem.
Rakayah says: 'ma gon' check on the lil' one an' the Cenarion, matron. Be callin' if ya be needin' any help.
Azati says: So he hates the horde. He had reason yesterday. All you did was give him an unsurmountable one.
Kwake says: They don't belong with us, and you know it. They never wanted to be part of this with us. They're only here because the humans can't stand 'em even worse than us.
Kwake says: Convenience, not loyalty.
Kwake says: Makes me sick to think they can take advantage of us and then shit on our favor.
Azati says: They're here because Arthas screwed them over just as hard as he screwed the Arathor.
Kwake says: Then to hear one of 'em tell me to my face he'd go rejoin the Alliance in a heartbeat...
Kwake says: I lost it.
Azati says: Yeah, you lost all right.
Azati shakes her head. "All this, over words. Words. If he'd gone to join the alliance you could have killed him. If he's sitting in the horde and complaining, you can kick him out of your club, or tell him you don't want to hear that shit while he's working for you, or a hundred other things. You gotta work on anger management, child.
Kwake stands up, glugging down some whiskey.
Kwake says: What would you have me do about it, elder?
Kwake says: I just want my people to be safe.
Azati says: I know, child. But this elf never raised a hand to you. He didn't like you, but so what? No one is universally liked.
Azati says: That elf who tried to turn you into a pig roast, he's in your club. Did he ever raise a hand to you?
Kwake says: No.
Azati says: He fought at your side?
Kwake says: ...yes.
Azati says: Do you think he will fight at your side now?
Kwake lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Azati nods. "A leader must think beyond the immediate. Must know that his actions have consequences. And while this elf's lover has hateful opinions, as the red-haired one said, He is his to punish. The was another way."
Kwake says: Maybe I ain't cut out for this.
Azati says: You made a mistake, child, and it is a mistake every leader makes sooner or later. This is how they learn to look ahead, and follow the paths of consequence.
Azati says: Next you'll be stuck paralyzed because you'll learn the next lesson.
Kwake says: I need a drink.
Kwake says: A big one.
Azati says: you need a drink and some time to think.
Azati says: This mess isn't going to tidy itself up tonight, and I think you need a break.
Azati nods at Elennoko.
Elennoko says: Please, elder. Don't let me interrupt you.
Kwake puffs on his cigar and gives Noko The Look.
Elennoko gives Kwake a bigger look. One that says "I don't give a fuck".
Azati says: oh no, I just wound up Learning Hour. Have at.
Kwake says: When'd you turn into a badass?
Azati says: He's Shu'halo! They're all badasses!
Elennoko says: I've always been like this.
Elennoko says: You just never gave me a chance.
Kwake says: Not this'n. Fucks dudes.
Kwake grunts and goes to get a brew.
Kwake -- That's kwake for "son, I am proud"
Elennoko says: It was... Azati, yes?
Azati nods. "Yes. Noko?"
Back to The Aftermath!