Funny letter

Aug 02, 2006 23:54

I got this in the mail today!

Hey how are you? Now I know this is the last thing you would expect from me but I needed to. I've never been very good with words but when I write it comes out better so here it goes.

When we talked last it was great but I couldn't seem to get everything out and I thought you might appreciate what I have to say. Nicole I haven't stopped loving you, honestly there hasn't been a day that goes by that I haven't thought about you. I know this is too little too late to be able to go back to the way every thing was but it's easier to tell you in writing. Honey I do regret leaving you and what we had. It was great being together. I miss it terribly. In my whole life I've never had a girlfriend like you. You said people told you that I'd realize what we had and come back and I should have come home to you, back to our home. I know I screwed up big time from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry! I thought that everything would be better but it's not. I screwed up both of our lives. You never did anything wrong. You said you wanted to a couple of firsts for me just not my first regret, your not a regret in any way. I regret the choice I made. But the other firsts you had in mind maybe some day they'll come true. I would like for us to have a relationship again. I lost you once and it won't happen again.
Your misguided love,

P.S. I'll do whatever it takes to have you back."

I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I'm not sure if I want to hug him or shoot him in the head
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