RL Update

Sep 15, 2013 13:33

Lots of things have happened since I last posted. I've had a lot of ups and downs. Here's the Cliff's Notes version: 1. Found out I was pregnate after trying for over 5 years. 2. 4 weeks later misscarried. 3.Got really sick from sister and neighbor's cigarete smoke. 4. Decieded to start looking for a house. 5. Found one and made an offer.  So I am now spending all my free time running all over the place signing paperwork or having inspections on the house and I just havn't had the time or the energy to write. I am hoping that once I'm settled into the new house I will feel better and can spend my free time writing. In the meantime I have been reading a lot and for those of you who have been writing (not just the ones writing stories but also posting things you find online or writing about your day) I want to thank you because it has helped me get through the rough times. Hope to be writing soon.
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