Apparently still alive

Nov 09, 2007 16:42

In answer to the pokes and the asking, yes I'm still here. Ok, so mostly the voices I hear are the ones in my head but hey, someone has to keep them company.

Life has been pretty full on, what with the working and the spring time and the waking up at 6. The down side of Mr B having a new job is he no longer has the luxury of getting up when I leave for work. Now he is up just after 6 while I doze until alarm #2 and the 7am news. I now start work at just after 7.30, so I do get home earlier in the afternoons. The first few weeks of this were hell, until the body clocks adjusted a bit and we became accustomed to the less sleepingness.

So yes, still living, surviving. Not much else is new. My gorgeous niece continues to grow, adding a Halloween Trick-or Treat night to her list of accomplishments. Still no crawling, but much waving of the bum in the air and a suspicion on the part of her parents that there may have been slightly too much pre-natal yoga, since she does a superb downward dog.

We (me and the Mr B) went to Mt Annan Botanic Gardens last w/e, and we hope to get to a Thai water festival in Parramatta tomorrow. This may be a very watery Water Fest, given the rain we are having, but hey, unless you are made of sugar, or are the Wicked Witch of the West, it ain't gonna kill ya. And please have the courtesy to ignore the folly of this statement if I have a rotten cold next week :p

Hugs to all.

The evil child is pictured below....

family, friends

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