i got hit by a radish

Jul 12, 2007 13:43

A madradish . So she hits me with this memeage. Ok, so I MADE her hit me and it is really all my fault. I gave her some lyrics and she failed to id them, but the resulting qns are below. All under a cut so you don't get too bored with me and the space I take up.

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favourite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.

2. I respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.

3. You update your LJ with the answers to the questions.

4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.

5. When others comment asking to be asked, ask them five questions.

1. Why did you first get involved with the SCA?

First got involved thanks to my ex. Tried it once during Uni, met Hrothgar, Juliana and a few other people but I never got involved personally.

Fast forward to around 2002. Found Stowe on the Wowld and met the furious fifteen or so, and was dragged in via Spring War, wenchilada  & kasiian , dumbys_baby  (who I work with who got involved thanks to Juliana, who I also worked with) and the fact that I made some really good friends (that means you - yes, you, on my friends list. All of you. And you aren't the only ones.).

It was all the fault of the sewing.... Now I can't leave. Did someone say Hotel California?

2. Do you have any interesting or unusual allergies?

Noooo.... At least I don't THINK so. No confirmed allergies, esp not anything INTERESTING. I'll let you know after I actually get to the allergist for testing. I know i object to ragweed, the great weed of North America.

3. If you could have dinner with any 5 people, who would you pick and why?

(i) Robyn Williams from the ABC Science Unit. I grew up with The Science Show on ABC AM radio, thanks to my Mum. He is a really cool, smart person, with plenty of knowledge and smarts as well.
(ii) Dylan Lewis. The muppet on speed.
(iii) Leonardo da Vinci. Artist AND Mathematician.
(iv) Some kind of cross of Maggie Beer, Charmaine Solomon and Cheong Liew.
(v) My Mum, cos she rocks, and is one of the smartest people I know. And she is really good to talk to and she wants to meet Robyn too

4. What hobby is currently obsessing you?

Equal parts cooking and sewing a skirt from a commercial pattern that actually fits. First one is proceeding well. The second? Not so good... If I'm a size 22, I'm a monkeys uncle. And I even obeyed the sewing instructions religiously and it still/resultingly came out like a cross between a tent and a barge balloon....

5. What is your favourite smell?

Ooooo, that is a hard one. I've always been partial to roses, but then there are all these other flowers like gardenias, and peonies and jasmine and lavender and orange blossom and wattle and .... a lot of flowers.....

The smell of garlic, ginger and chilli being fried makes my mouth water. And Anzac cookies baking makes me swoon. Assuming I managed not to eat all the mix raw. I love the smell of dark chocolate; i can zero in from half a block away. Chai also smells fantastic as it brews.

The smell of Aramis takes me back to being a kid with my dad and feeling like the most important girl in the world. I give my Dad a bottle every 18 months or so.

food, cooking, meme, sca, friends

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