
Jun 21, 2007 20:59

One more day at the Elston store, and then I'm back to the grind. I'll be so happy to go back to the grind... fortunately, though, I'm not yet burned out... I only designed one bedroom (due to bitchwork/necessary rounds-making), and it basically consisted of the following.

South Regional Visual Manager: Hey, Kate, can you set this bedroom?

Kate: Sure!

Kate: *grabs stock guys, instructs*

Stock Guys: *move shit*

Kate: *looks around, sees things to immediate right that would work, puts them up*

North Regional Visual Manager, Other Visuals: Ooooh, that looks good!

Kate: Thanks!

Hee! I love when the "grab whatever is within five feet of the floorspace and throw it on the wall/on chests/on whatever" method of design works, and somehow manages to impress my colleagues.

Also, my other project is going amazingly swimmingly. I'm right on par with what I want to be on par with so far, and I hope I can just keep it up. Thanks to my job, I think, my "Make It Work" muscles have been toned nicely.
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