Nov 01, 2011 13:04
Sooooo, NaNo started last night (morning technically but whatever), and I've reached my required wordcount for the day, so that's good! I'll probably keep writing a bit today in order to finish up the chapter because I'm decently close to being finished and goshdarnit, I want to be able to start writing Jack's part tomorrow! XD
But here is what has happened so far (note that these notes are mostly for me just cause it will be cool to look back on I think and yeah so sorry if they're super boring Katie ^^;):
1) The beginning of my story is totally terrible and not at all engaging and just kind of awkward? Which I'll definitely need to fix eventually, but not during NaNo. Which is part of why NaNo is so awesome, because I'm allowing myself to write junk instead of sitting there being like "UGH THIS IS SO BAD WHY SO TERRIBLE? D:"
I am thinking that this is just an awkward beginning and will get better as stuff goes and all the groups come into play. Also Jack.
2) Exposition regarding the world and races and stuff is proving to be kind of difficult. Because normally, the easiest way (I find) to do exposition about the world is through having one character not know anything about it really (for example, FFX). Like in Thoughts Kain was like "whatthebbqchickenduck?" and in ASF Griff also had no clue about the whole Chosen deal, so I was able to explain stuff to the reader through their confusion. Also like with Milly in Faerie Tale. But with Tri, all the main characters already know all about all the other races and all the shindigs that are going down with this war which has been going on for longer than any of them were alive. So I can't just have them go giant inner monologue about stuff just because the reader doesn't know what's going on because that would feel forced. So I am having to take advantage of some brief opportunities and sprinkling some stuff around here and there, and it's tricky.
3) Edwin. He's like, really really racist. And really really hates Spellweavers. Like, a lot. And like, sometimes, it just seems like he would start swearing about them. I've already ended up writing "ass" and "bastard" as part of his dialogue, and I know that those are not like, the pinnacle of bad language but they are still more than I would ever say ever and so I'm like "eeehhhhhh" everytime one comes up. >> But I do not think I can just stop because I do not feel that it would characterize him as well, although this is probably just going to get a whole lot worse when Rosaline comes in. -_____-
4) I don't like fight scenes. First chapter in and I already have I fight scene. I hope it is not terrible.
5) I really want to get to Jack okay? I think it is going to be the epitome of fun writing his group. XD