For un_sedendary - the five (DW) episodes that make me smile

Aug 08, 2009 23:13

un_sedentary asked for the five episodes that make me smile... something of a challenge, as, generally speaking, I tend to prefer episodes that make me cry (I mean, Doomsday, The Satan Pit, Dalek, Father's Day, Turn Left, or Journey's End would make the list of my favourite episodes, but I can't claim they made me *smile*) I did focus on DW for this, as the problem would probably be exactly the same for every single TV show I watch. *grins* Guess that makes me a cheerful person, eh? ;) But anyway, I had HUGE fun compiling this list, and while I was capturing screencaps to illustrate this post I burst out laughing several times upon hearing some of the best lines ever. Doing this has reminded me, as if that was needed, why I love DW so much.

Right, so on to the top five episodes of Doctor Who that make me smile.

1. Rose
I guess this one is special because it's the very first DW ep I watched, and because it made me addicted to the show right away. Right from the moment Nine slipped his hand into Rose's, I was hooked. I loved the running. I loved the adventure. I loved Nine's accent and his lines and his use of the word "fantastic". I adored his "Every planet has a North!" And in many ways I felt like Rose: amazed, incredulous, curious, terrified, and incredibly excited by the whole idea of this alien with a ship that's bigger on the inside. :)

2. The Doctor Dances
At first, this one made me want to hide behind the sofa, because the gasmask thing really creeped me out. But the banter between Nine and Jack never fails to make me burst out laughing. The squareness gun, the bananas, the sonic screwdriver ("You've never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?") , Rose's "Doesn't the universe implode or something if you... dance?" followed by Nine's "I'm trying to resonate concrete" and of course, Jack becoming part of the team at the end. :)

3. New Earth
In retrospect, it makes me smile, because it's the first real Ten episode (Christmas Invasion was more of a settling in ep, and Ten was very much out of it for most of the ep anyway). So it's the first real Ten/Rose interaction, which is bound to make me smile, considering what a big Ten/Rose shipper I am now. :) And it's got Cassandra, the moisturised trampoline, who actually amuses me very much as a villain (though she was very pathetic in the end and I felt bad for her) And there's the snog! Rose, posessed by Cassandra, snogging a totally gobsmacked Ten, who looked completely thrown off balance by the whole thing. That was adorable.

4. Partners in Crime
I think that's the episode of DW where I squee'd the most. By that time I was a complete and utter DW fan, lost for any other show, and seeing Ten back on screen made me jump up and down in excitement. Plus right away I realised that Donna was gonna be one of the most fantastic companions, that she and Ten would have the greatest friendship. The scene at Adipose Industries where they pop up and down from cubicles and never see each other? For the win. The scene where they finally see each other again and mouth words to each other? Tears of laughter ran down my cheeks throughout. The scene where Donna asks about Rose and the Doctor says "Still lost", confirming that Rose was definitely scheduled to come back in S4, I screamed. The scene at the end where we see Rose, completely unexpected, so much I gasped and had to rewatch it several times to make sure I hadn't dreamed that.

5. The Stolen Earth
Well, okay, part of the episode brought me to tears, but come on, it's the episode with the longest-run-towards-a-hug-that-never-happens-thanks-to-a-bleeding-Dalek scene. I laughed and cried and smiled throughout the time they were running towards each other, especially seeing their own grin and Donna's knowing smile. I was excited for the entire length of the episode, waiting for THAT MOMENT when they'd finally see each other again, and it was all very much worth it. So yes, thinking about it brings a huge smile to my face, even though it's one of those eps that are on the more dramatic side.

ten/rose, episode: partners in crime, doctor who series 4, rose, meme, ninth doctor, nine/rose, donna noble, episode: new earth, doctor who, rose tyler, picspam, episode: the stolen earth, doctor who series 2, made of squee, doctor who series 1, episode: the doctor dances

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