Christmas break and pretty big case of bad luck

Dec 19, 2008 23:57

Right. So that settles it. Over the past few weeks (or even months), I've been working so hard and so much that I've barely had time to deal with LJ or fan-related stuff. There was one thing, though, that kept me going, one huge thing that made me smile every time I thought about it: I was going to London for Christmas, and I had tickets to see Hamlet. I even bought a new copy of the play to have it signed by David Tennant in case we managed to see him after the show and all. It was all planned, all wonderful, and all so amazing I couldn't believe it was actually happening.

Well, I should've known better. I didn't learn about the news through the communities. Like I said, I've been working so much that I haven't had time to check them out or anything. Thankfully, in a way. I always prefer to learn bad news from friends, because they know how to soften the blow. So when wendymr  told me last weekend, "I need to talk to you", I thought uh-uh... I'm not gonna like that.

First reaction was selfish of course. Damn him, how could he do that to me, who'd been expecting to see him so much? He was breaking my dream, my fantasy, that wonderful thing I was so looking forward to. Then once I processed the news I managed to put things into perspective. Okay, his health matters first, and of course I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. I can't pretend I'm not disappointed, especially as I've just seen that no, he won't be performing until Jan 5, and so that confirms I won't be seeing him after all. I'm sure the play will be great anyway, but...

Ah well. It's hard not to feel sad. First time I'm spending Christmas away from my family, and damn it, that was a pretty good reason to do so. I'll be with chandramas , and we'll have a fantastic time, I know that for sure. And that's very comforting. Thank goodness we'd planned to stay in London for a few days and enjoy the city and all.

But... I can't pretend I'm not disappointed. It's like there was this one thing holding me together during the past few weeks, something I really needed because otherwise I knew I'd collapse either from exhaustion or despair, and it's ripped away from me. I know it's ridiculous, that the poor guy didn't hurt his back on purpose or anything, and that he's probably feeling pretty low, not being able to perform and all. But, very selfishly, I'm sad.

I do hope I'll get another chance to see him on stage someday.

I've rarely been moved so much by an actor as I've been by David Tennant. And I want to see him in something else than Doctor Who, because I want to see if he can move me just as much when impersonating someone other than Ten. But as Ten, he's made me laugh, cry, has driven me crazy at times, has made me fall for him big time, and there are moments in the show that are engraved in my memory because the way he performed them was just amazing.

The determination in his voice and on his face when he discovers Rose's face has been stolen in The Idiot's Lantern, the look on his face during the wall scene in Doomsday, the way he chokes on Rose's name when Donna asks him what his friend's name was in The Runaway Bride, his quiet confession to Jack in Utopia, the weight of the universe on his shoulders in The Fires of Pompeii, his vulnerability when he discovers Jenny has got two hearts in The Doctor's Daughter, his heartwrenching reaction when she gets killed and dies in his arms, his entire performance in Midnight, and... and the S4 final episodes, between the utter joy when he runs towards Rose for the first time to the famous "Does in need saying?" on Bad Wolf Bay, to end with the gutwrenching scene when he has to take all of Donna's memories away... so many more scenes or lines I could quote, in fact. Each of those moments has been a punch in the gut, and the effect is just as powerful on me every time I watch those episodes. He truly is a wonderful performer.

So that's it. I want to see him on stage someday, performing live. Because he's moved me so much that I can't just let that go.

In the meantime, I hope he recovers fully very quickly!

But damnit anyway! :P

doctor who, david tennant, hamlet

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