weLl all i gotTa say is that my weeKend was the best ever so i guess ill update about it. .
friday -weLl i got up and headed to school and that was a very boring day let me tell ya, but as soon as i got home i got ready again and headed up to norton with my parents, cause i had to pick up a few things for my trip, so i went to wal-mart and well i got stalked by 3 guys which was quit weird.. so i even went into the underwear section and they stood there and watched me the whole time,i mean i about died haha.. i caLled brian but he never answered :( so i was scared outta my mind..but as soon as i was about to leave one of them guys came up there and asked me for my number and was like i couldnt help but notice ya over there... scary shit, but i just acted nice and gave him my old number and left haha. well i went to hibbits and got me a VT hat, which was very cute, and i talked to brent.. haha he cracks me up, and then i went to goodys and got me a kentucky sweatshirt which i fell in love with haha.. well i got home packed my shit and got everything together and then brian came over awww... well we watched mr and mrs. smith and just layed around and talked and well he had to stay the night so we just sit in my room and then at about 1 we finally fell asleep but i had to get up at 2 30 to take a shower cause josh was comin at 4 to get all of our shit. but me and brian packed our things together so we could have more room in the back seat. well after i got ready i woke brian up and then josh came we packed our shit and headed on to jacksonville flordia for the vt vs fsu game.
saturday - well we slept until 7 45 and we stopped at mc-donalds and got some breakfast and went back to the car and slept some more.. at about 9 something we all were awake and talkin and the next thing we knew abe was like man look at that big deer over there and well that mother fucker came runnin at us, haha it was like a 200 pound buck and let me tell ya, it ran right into us knocked out the glass mirror on the passenger side and broke off half the door thing and also got slobber all over the car, it was freakin gross haha.. but kinda funny, but at about 2 something we finally got to our motel room and all i gotta say is that Abe made that trip haha.. he cracked us up the whole way down there and espically him and ginger fighting.. brian cant even say anymore that i bitch compared to ginger haha.. but we checked inn we got ready and packed all of our stuff to tail-gate when we got there and well it took us forever to find our spot haha.. but when we finally did we got everything ready and just hung out the whole time.. we had some nice pepople beside us and let us have some things.. ;) and well lets just say that we had a fun time haha.. and well at about 7 something we headed to the stadium but the bad thing was me and brian had to sit way on over at the otherside while josh adrienne aBe and ginger sat on the other side.. but we met some funny ass people that was drunk and well paul was hot and had some awesome arm muscles haha.. but them guys made the thing cause they kept pickin fights with the other fans.. espically some fat hawaiian guy that kept callin fatass and shit haha.. but virginia tecH was loosin so we left at the begening of the 4th quarter cause we def. didnt wanna get caught up in the traffic and well me and brian headed back to car and waited on josh & them.. and well on the way back some old guys chased me and shit cause brian was way ahead of me and i about cried cause i was freakin scared sheww haha.. but finally i caught up with brian and we waited on them to get there and when they did we finally left and went back to the motel room and we went to bed.. awwww brian is so0 cute when he sleeps and yes we got to sleep together, haha i think my brother wasnt all together anways if ya know what i mean haha.
sunday - welL got up early and left and stopped and got some breakfast me and brian slept the whole way home and we took abe and ginger back to their house and well came home and me & brian took moms car out got a movie and some pizza haha.. came home watched that and ate and well we took him home around 8:30, and all i gotta say is that was the best weekend i have ever had with him, we didnt even fight not once.. i love when hes all sweet and shit, thats the brian that i like most haha.. and well i went to bed around 10 or so i was pretty damn tired.
m0nday and tuesday - well got up and went to sch0ol, nothin to exicting acourse haha.. and well i had cheerleadin practice and i started gettin sick, like really sick, but i talked to brian and came home and well i threw up everywhere about 7 times in 3 hours hahha.. yeah i was about dead. but i went to bed and then today i slept all damn day and now im finally startin to feel better.. sheww im so0 glad haha. but thats about it untiLl this weekEnd =)