Well it seriously has seemed like f0rever since ive updated, but i really just havent had time t0, s0 ill just d0 a sh0rt update about the past tw0 weeks...=)
F0r the past 2 weekends, ive went t0 the balLgames t0 watch brian play =), and hes awes0me so i l0ve to go to watch him haha.. and ive been ridin with chris andrea jake justin jase eric lauren and a bunch 0f people. which has been pretty damn fun, i l0ve those guys.. me and chris have bec0me pretty close hes the most funniest person ive ever been around in my life, i l0ve that kid.. and this past weekend, lost my damn shoes in a swamp tryin to pull out chads fourwheeler and got my freakin foot caught in it which hurt like hell. . but i had fun with alL 0f em, and I als0 g0t to hang out with Kp saturday which was fun if ya kn0w what i mean... Our boys are goin outta t0wn this weekend so a bunch 0f us girls might be doin something, and me andrea and lauren might be hangin out with s0me of our redneck boys, aww ive missed them espically mead0r,s0 i cant wait to see how things g0 with that.. but im goin to miss brian :(
friends - they couldnt be any better, were all gettin cl0ser and i love it, espically kp danielle katrice erin holly and all 0f em, we have s0me great talks at lunch d0nt we?? haha l0ve you girls :)
family - my mom dont even wanna talk about it, she pisses me 0ff more then any0ne, but my dad and everyone else their great.
cheerleadin and dance squad - everything is startin to c0me along and in cheerleadin we got our new uniforms which are very pretty and in dance were gettin ready f0r the pep-rally and we might be dancin at the home c0ming game. . which makes me nervous lol, but i l0ve doin b0th =)
b0yfriend - we fight argue and then make up in a day, haha thats just the way we are. . but im happy with him and were workin on things, we have so much fun when were together and i couldnt picture myself with anyone else i love him <3 `
weLl thats all f0r now, ill try t0 update sunday. .