Jul 31, 2005 19:24
SO this is the end of my livejournal. I'm not going to delete it, because i can't just delete something, however i won't be writing anymore. It stopped serving its purpose, if it ever really had one. I suppose it was a summertime thing, and with the end of my summer-so goes this way of communicating my thoughts. This summer was definately a better one. Most memorable. With the end of it however, is the end of a lot of many amazing and wonderful things. I can't tell you how many friendships i have lost this summer, and i continue to lose contact with those i really really care about...some are going off to college, and some are just careless mishaps, that i have let float away. I hate calling someone and getting a cold response. One of those " i hate you...you ruiend my summer" kind of things. And actualy being told i was ruining someone's life was pretty much the topping on a shitty end to an amazing summer. All the blame is placed on me, for each and every one of them. And i am more miserable than i started out being. On a happier note...i will always remember those who made my summer what it was: Incredible. And im sorry for what I have let things become. I will miss you, I love you all.