Garden Update 6-29 -- Melons

Jun 29, 2016 17:37

The big news is -- preggers! My Rich Sweetness 132 got knocked up!

The Orangeglo Watermelon looks like it's going to start vining.

The Kajari melon vine has grown quite a bit in the past 7 days, and it's putting out a lot of flowers.

Still no girl blossoms, but these boys are popular with the bees.

The Green Machine is being very slow to grow.

The Rich Sweetness 132 has also gotten bigger.

And despite the heat, it put out a girl blossom and got knocked up! Snoopy Dance! Snoopy Dance!

The Esperanza De Oro vine is quite vigorous, and once the heat dropped back down to 108F, it started putting out girl flowers again.

The excessive heat killed the first girl flower that I thought might be preggers, but we're going to have a week of "normal" hot weather, so I have hopes that this one will take.

I hope that one of these two girls will turn into a melon.

Part of the reason that I hand-water is that a little always gets on the leaves, giving the Bees a safe drink. (If you zoom in you can see the drop)

I hope she got busy with the blossoms.

garden, garden 2016

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