The Hugo Awards 2015

Apr 06, 2015 10:42

For those of you following the whole imbroglio with the Hugo Awards.
It's not just that Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) is Racist and Sexist (note the capitals) and therefore a horrible human being.

It's not that the stories his clique have nominated are bad, their creators are not necessarily bad people, and neither are you a horrible person if you've read and enjoyed them and want to vote for them because you think they are worthy of recognition, no matter the circumstances of their nomination.

The fundamental problem with him and his toadies is that their ideas about what SF/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction should look like, and what it should say, and who creates "the good stuff" are fundamentally limiting. It's putting shackles on a genre of fiction whose very beating heart is to say "but what if?" and to question who we are today, and where do we want to go tomorrow. It leads SF/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction down a dead end.

Adapt or die.

His ideas, his mindset, his worldview leads to "die".

rights, politics, fandom, writing, feminism

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