Vampire Diaries "the Dinner Party"

Feb 17, 2011 20:01

"I showered, I shaved, I had breakfast ..." I love snarky Damon. "Gotta run, have a murder planned. Busy day." LOL

I love Elijah pointing out the truth about the founding families -- that it was escapees from Salem.

Oh, Alaric meets Elijah! "You don't have to be jealous. I rarely persue younger women." And then that look Elijah gives him. On the floor! "It was a joke, Ric." Oh, Elijah, long may you live be undead.

I find it interesting that the show isn't afraid to show that Stefan once used to be the bad one, and that Damon was on the one who showed restraint and common sense. "It sounds like you were Damon."

Damon as relationship counselor. LOL.

Oh, a dinner party. Let the games begin. OH DEAR GOD. Elijah, Damon, and Alaric at the dinner table. It's going to be epic.

Damon and Katherine. "That blood did the trick. You're almost pretty again."
Holy shit! Katherine telling him that if he does that she's stuck in there forever and um, yeah, that's not an issue for Damon.

So, Stefan did a lot of eating during the Civil War. Seems interesting that he could just wander through a camp, be in the medical tent, feeding, blood running down his chin, and nobody seemed to notice.

So, it's Lexi who gets Stefan set on the right path! A shame that Damon killed her.

"I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything." LOL.

Damon and Alaric having the scotch. "No sneak attacks. No surprise plans ...." Oh, 'Ric.

OH. FUCK. John showed up and can't miss out on the "fun and games."

Bonnie and Jeremy. "Oh, God. This is a date." Snorfle.

I like Elijah's, "... I'll kill you and kill everyone in this house." Oh, Damon, you (and 'Ric) have met your match.

Oh, the dinner table conversation about witches being burned at the stake, and the screams being heard for miles. Yes. This. Dinner. It. Is. Awesome.

"Because I feel we've grown so close, Damon ..." Oh, snarky ass Elijah.

The non conversation between Damon and Alaric in the study. On. The. Floor.

Oh, poor Alaric, what a freaky life he leads.

Oh, Gorrramit. Alaric killed Elijah.

But holy shit, I didn't see that coming. Did I mention that Alaric leads a freaky life? (Which means that Katherine's now trapped forever.)

But, what did Elijah want with that burial ground? Hmmm ....

"Because when you can hurt, you can Love." Oh, Lexi.

"You said there wasn't going to be any violence."
"Says the man who did all the killing."
"I am your friend, damnit. And you don't have any friends." Oh, Alaric.

As long as the dagger stays in place -- Oh, I love this show so fucking much! (I really should make myself an Elijah icon.)

That was a very sweet scene of Bonnie showing what she can do with fire. And she's going to "channel" Jeremy.

Oh, daaaym, Bonnie just got Warlocked something fierce. But Klaus has his daughter?! Elijah doesn't have the ally he thought.

Oh, way to go, Elena! She does hold the trump card and she knows it.

Wait, who stabbed Elijah? OMFG! Damon. He did it even though he thought it would kill him. Do you know what this means?! IT MEANS HE WOULD FREAKING DIE FOR ELENA. And since they can't pull the dagger out, then how do they take out Klaus?

{{{Oh, Alaric}}}

"Oh, that was awkward." John needs to die in a fire.

'Ric, don't give away your ring. "And after what you did to Damon, you're going to need it more than me."

Wait, who healed Elena? A knife wound to the gut's pretty damn serious.

Oh, Damon and Lexi ....

Oh, hello, Katherine! "I knew that if I begged you not to kill Elijah ..."

vampire diaries, tv

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