In Which I Make A Lot of Food - And Throw Up

Jun 08, 2009 00:12

Thankfully the cooking and the vomiting are only tangentially related.

So I got a graduation party for 100 to cater. No problem, it's a drop off. On the menu were sliders (mini hanburgers to the rest of the country), vegetable empanadas, the famed mini quiches of song and story, a pasta salad, a fruit tray, a veggie tray and a few assorted other things.

I made the hamburger buns on Thursday - 200+. On Friday I began cooking in earnest with the help of auburnselkie. It went well, we got stuff done, she returned home to her baby around 7:30. I kept cooking. And cooking. And cooking some more. At 6:00 AM I noticed I had gotten a text message from Bax at some point in the night. My situation was dire enough that he came out the kitchen around 6:30 and took over empanada production will I finished a few other things. (At some point in the morning Bax left for breakfast and brought me a bagel, of which I ate maybe a quarter.)

At noon-ish we loaded the car. I woke up at 8:30 Friday morning and it's now Saturday heading into afternoon. I begged Bax to drive to Natomas with me for the drop-off since I really didn't trust myself behind the wheel in my sleep-free state.

We loaded up the Jeep with Bax driving and took off. A couple miles outside Auburn, I signaled for him to pull over because I was too nauseous to stay in the car. I took a breather, paced around a little and got back in. We continued on to Auburn with plans to stop at a grocery store for aspirin and crackers. (I had eaten lunch around 2 on Friday but aside from the bagel and a few bites for tasting, hadn't eaten much since.)

While Bax hit the store, I napped in the car. As we were leaving the parking space, I jumped from the car and threw up under a tree in the Raley's parking lot. Hi Auburn!

Since turning up at a job pale, shaking, vomiting and carrying food for 100 is probably not the best impression I could give, we made the command decision to leave me at auburnselkie's house in Auburn. She graciously loaned me a bedroom and I dropped ded while Bax continued on. I called ahead saying I had car trouble, but that the food was on the way. Everything was worked out fine, I talked to the client today and she was very happy.

Before falling asleep, I was going over the chain of events with auburnselkie
1. Pretty much only eaten one meal a day for the last three to four days. And a small one, at that.
2. Got a tetanus shot on Wednesday that included a whooping cough booster - which I've never had before. I seem to be having a mild reaction to it, judging by a couple other issues.
3. Dehydrated. Yeah.
4. The temps were in the upper 60s/low 70s when I left home - and I was dressed for it. It was 80+ in Auburn and Bax had tossed a blanket over me in the car in hopes that I would take a nap (nope.), so I suspect there was some overheating going on.
5. I have a weird habit of not wanting to eat anything that I'm cooking large quantities of. I tend to stop thinking of it as food and more as "product that belongs to someone else". This isn't an issue for a six or even eight hour shift. But over two or three days, it can become a problem.

So the moral of the story is thus:
Kady will hold fast to the 50 And Under Rule (I will only cook for 50 people or less by myself. 50 and over requires Staff. Every time I bend this, bad shit happens.)
Kady will eat at regular intervals while working.
Kady will drink liquids - water being preferable - often. Clear and Copious are the guidelines. (Ask a hiker.)
Kady will not be so ambitious with her menus. (Pretty much everything except the fruit and veggie trays required multiple steps, which slowed down everything. Plus, I was making 200+ of Every Single Item, which isn't too bad until you multiply it by 7 or 8. Then it turns into real food.)

My next event is a wedding at the end of June for 30 people. I know the couple and they are both lovely, mellow people who want a picnic lunch for their friends. It will barely be a ripple compared to this weekend. I'm looking forward to it.


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