(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 12:13

Im typing this with a 21-month-old in my lap at the moment so if there's weird typos, you know why.

So im moved. we have an adorable little apartment, its 2 bedrooms, plus living room, kitchen, dining area (wont really call it a room but its nice sized), and bathroom of course. A certain little person has her own room now, so she kinda likes that, although she apparently hates me lately, as she is in full out defiant almost 2 year old mode. Every little thing that i don't let her do, results in a screaming tantrum. *sigh*

So my apartment was apparently at some point a very large attic. Which is weird to me, having grown up in Texas where apartments are usually in large complexes, not pieces of a house. Here we are in the top part of a house, downstairs is another apartment, ground level off the porch is a 3rd, and behind us above the garage/shed, are 2 small ones as well. Maybe half the houses on the street are this way, Apts A and B, or in the case of ours A-E, and the other half are standard single family houses.

Did i mention yet that since i have not managed to steal a spot in the driveway (theres room for 3 cars in it, and a total of 7 that belong to this house), im parked on the street. Which isnt weird i did that in TX too, but in TX i was parked on the street in front of the house, not across the street. Here on our street, we cant park on the street on the side we live on cause we all have to park on the side with the lane going Up the hill, not down. Not sure WHY exactly but thats the rule.

Ahh the weirdness of living in new areas.

Gas is more expensive, Coke is more expensive... Milk and Cigs are cheaper... go figure?
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