[Blog] GANTZ Visual Book / Arashi Child Paper / Japanese Students 8D

Feb 27, 2011 23:13

First, I have to report about this *o*

- The moment I saw Nino promoting GANTZ & its Visual Book on some show, I REALLY wanted it!
- an online friend first found it in Kinokuniya & I was so HAPPY, but it got sold out!
- 2011.02.24 Thursday.. my lovely toxic_girl_x found it & got it for MEEEE!!! ahhh

Ahhhhh My lovely Ayako drew some CHIBI-ARASHI for me! BEAUTIFUL!!! *_______*


Ok.. to TODAY's event!

- 2011.02.27 Sunday
- Zayed University, Dubai
- Were Supposed to have a conference between Japanese Students, but something happened & they couldn't come early for it
- I was the one who was going to make the presentation
- They came & had lunch with us~ ahhh more than enough!

Last year, when the Japanese came I became all nervous and couldn't speak! but WOW.. I kept speaking with them almost non-stop today (not really, but better comparing to last year) =D
& yeah my Japanese wasn't good! but ahh it makes me happy when they say it is! XD
I mean, if someone spoke in arabic, even if they suck I would be amazed.. ne? ne?

This year, I kept going around, asking them one by one.. like.. first talking with her, then with him, then with another her.. kuuuu (while walking around the campus)
「何年生?」 「二年生です」 <<< & stuff like that!! =D
My hearing is better than my talking, but they keot using english.. maa maa.. i'm greedy! they DID talk in Japanese! kuuu

Yeah i always have trouble explaining my Japanese nickname to them, because "Kadori" is not really Japanese! a name that I made up with Hiragana!

I think I over-tried talking in Japanese, I just should wait more till I study it more better! I FAIL in this!

But ahh even talking with each of them is such a pleasure!! I have nothing to ask, but when I do, they really reply in a very good way & they know what they're going to talk about.. I mean.. I'm not a good talker, I say one word and then THAT'S IT! Ahh I admire them really!

They're from different Universities He's from Waseda.. He's from Toudai.. He's from Meiji.. She's from Waseda.. and SHE IS FROM KEIO!! KEIO!!!! 8DDD *bricked*

In the cafeteria we all introduced ourselves.. and... hmmm
oh ooh.. The Toudai is from sapporo.. the very cold snowy place.. he said that he's suffering here because of the weather.. awww poor guy he didn't see the real thing! XD

Kinda embarrassing how I'm way too slow in swallowing what I eat.. I had two of the boys in front of me in the cafeteria.. we kept talking, but when they ask me something, I'm always busy eating.. I make them wait until i finish chewing what's in my mouth.. lik AHH EMBARRASSING! Hazukashii yoo!!!

& Sensei keeps telling them that I'm so informative about Japanese geinoujin! XD LOL a fan is surely updated! & they were surely amazed XD They talked about How cool Gackt is.. and how they hate AKB48 XD

Wait.. the best part is yet to come! anywaaaays.. I had to leave them at 3 because of my class, but then came back at 4.. kukuku I love how they were still there =D

Sensei was about to leave, & told me to make the presentation for them in the cafeteria informally, so that my effort doesn't go a waste
Well.. I did.. dunno if I sounded boring or not.. but they were so kind & said it's nice =D Kuuu i love when people praise me even if I don't deserve it XD Selfish..

Kept talking after that about the presentation (about foreigners) & it was nice!

Took pictures in the nice Uni yard that all of the Japanese liked!

& while we were ready to leave, they saw that I have a stciker on my laptop that has "Hey! Say! JUMP!" written on it.. and the guys were all dissappointed by saying "Yeah all of them like good-looking ones/ Minna ikemen-zuki damon na~" Ahh! You think I'll stay quite at this? I FELT GUILTY!! XD
I was like "what should I say now what should I say now?" and then OMG can't believe I said it.. STUPID! CRAZY! BAKA! CLUMSY! I said "But all japanese people are ikemens" LOOOL they were all happy & said the shortened-Arigatou in a very fast Japanese way like Nino does "Azasu"
I never imagined that I would hear the "Azasu" in real life.. seriously.. when i kept mentioning how I like Japan, their "ariagtou"s were so formal like "Arigatou gozaimasu" but wooh that one was different XD a real Japanese!! Ahh I'm so addicted!

Ok wait here comes the best part! for an Arashi Fangirl!
We're walking with them to the gate, and WHILE WALKING I asked this lively Keio-woman! Do you have favorite singer? and she was like "In Arashi, I like Nino the most" and Kyaaaaa I was like "ME TOOO 8D" and she's like "kakkoii yo nee" and I'm like "Did you see GANTZ? GANTZ mitaai" and then "No I didn't.. minakya (I should watch it soon)" and then Ayako told her how I fangirled after I got The Visual Book, and I showed her that picture up there.. and she askes "what's my favorite drama?" ahhh difficult.. very difficult, how can I rememer all of the dramas now? I remembered NOTHING.. but Freeter.. and she was like "ahh Ninooo, ooh you're updated" and I was like "yeah I'm a fan" XDDDD then I said whatever Drama came to my mind "Mai gaaru (My Girl) of Aiba Masaki" and she's like "ooh one of Aiba-chan" XD & I couldn't remember kaibutsu-kun at that moment of panic.. zannen.. but I remembered Shinzanmono.. when I said "Abe Hiroshi" she kept laughing like crazy in a way of "How does she know all this?" XDDDD
We suddenly changed the subject to comedians.. yeah I always love to mention Japanese Comedians! I told her I like Audery.. & ah yes I asked her, I never had the chance to ask japanese people about their favorite comedians, this time I ASKED! well it's better, I keep foregetting their names at the critical moments, it's better if they say them so that I remember.. like when she said "Yamazaki of Untouchable" kuuu WE BOTH LOVE HIM.. he's sooo funny!! and Unjash too.. and we kept laughing a lot while talking about Himura-san's hair.. anywaaays.. we're still walking.. She asked me if I like any female singers.. I was like "NISHINO KANA" and then she was like "ahhhh me tooooo" Kyaaa I never fangirled with a Japanese girl who's almost in my age LIVE before! LIVE I'M TELLING YOU! *o*
She was like you should go to Karaoke one day, I told her I wanna go with yooou! she was like "yeah please don't forget me if you even come to Japan" ahhhhhh a plan is decided from NOW, to go Karaoke with Mai-san! YOU HEAR ME!! KARAOKE WITH A JAPANESE FAN! *DIES*

Ah OMG a long paragraph that was XD

Ahaha here comes the funny part.. we hugged the girls as a way of saying goodbye & come again and blah blah.. then one of the guys were making postures like "me too me too" XDDDDD OMG i'm still laughing at how funny he looked! XD

Ok I think I should Stop.. I wonder if anyone gonna read this.. at least I will read it after a year ne!? XD

Bai-bii! (Lol the bolded stuff are all in the last part XD)

* arashi: ninomiya kazunari, * blog, * arashi

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