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omia в
А может, тебе ещё и шнурки погладить? В преддверии наступающего еврейского праздника Песах, и маячащего где-то за ним Дня Независимости Израиля - все срочно учимся правильно шнуровать ботинки, кроссовки и прочие шнурообразные! Можно и корсеты. :)
Это чудо я увидел впервые несколько дней назад на ногах у собственного старшего ребёнка. :)
И вот теперь делюсь:
А вот как это делается:
(текст на английском, но из рисунка всё ясно и без слов)
Faint sections are underneath
Lacing Technique:
1. The lace is run straight across the bottom (grey section) and the ends are fed in through both bottom eyelets. Adjust the ends so that the left (blue) end is quite a bit shorter than the right (yellow) end.
2. The ends are crossed over each other, then fed in through the fourth set of eyelets up the shoe (skip past two sets of eyelets).
3. Both ends are run straight down on the inside and emerge through the next set of eyelets down the shoe.
4. The right (blue) end is run diagonally up to the left, then fed under the side to emerge through the top left eyelet.
5. The left (yellow) end is run in a complete loop: Straight across on the outside and in through the adjacent eyelet on the right side of the shoe, then straight up on the inside to emerge through the next eyelet up the right side, then back across on the outside and in through the adjacent eyelet on the left side, then back down on the inside to re-emerge through the third eyelet up the left side.
6. The left (yellow) end is then continued diagonally up to the right, feeding under the side to emerge through the top right eyelet.