I've got just shy of 9,000 words on my NaNo and I'm pretty happy with what I've written so far. I thought I was going to write the HP Shakespearean Romp, but what I seem to actually be doing is working on Avengers short stories.
I'm not sure how that happened, but I just wrote 1600 words of Bucky POV stuff set during Captain America: The First
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So, with the prompt “It’s going to be okay” in my head, I left work and started the thirty minute drive home. By the time I got there I had enough to start writing, and then cybermathwitch did some awesome in-line beta for me. (Thank you dear!)
*I’m talking to Koren as I write this and she says she didn’t get that email, and that Jess just asked me for the prompt. I don’t even know, that was back in June and I’ve slept since then.
"It's going to be okay." Pepper announced, as she prepared tea with precise, economical movements.
I tend to start fics with dialogue -- I’m not sure why, unless it is because dialogue is the bit that I like the best (maybe I should try script frenzy ( ... )
He nodded. It made sense of course -- he hadn't really spared a thought for what it must be like for them to wait at home every time the Avengers assembled.
I kind of see Pepper and Jane (and Darcy, though she isn’t dating any of them in canon) and Betty too -- though I hadn’t yet seen The Hulk when I’d written this, so I didn’t have any Betty feels at the time -- as something akin to military spouses. They have to watch their friends, loved ones and partners go out and put themselves in harm’s way and there is nothing that they can do but wait and pray and not make it harder for them by displaying the wrong kinds of emotional responses.
Once the tea was poured, he pulled out his flask (always prepared, he should have been a fucking Boy Scout) and added a healthy dollop of Irish. Darcy perked up and nudged her cup forward hopefully. He obliged her with a grin.
Booze makes tea and cookie time more better-er.Jane gave Darcy a dark ( ... )
"Well, next we reassure one another again that everything will be fine," Jane answered.
Pepper nodded. “It is going to be okay,” she said again.
Saying “it’s going to be okay” is part of the ritual. They know damn good and well what they are doing, and they are doing it deliberately.
"Followed by a healthy round of bitching about Thor and Tony," Darcy added helpfully .
Oh Darcy, let me love you.
"Hey-" "We don't, really-"
Dammit Darcy, that bitching was for GIRLS ONLY. NO BOYS ALLOWED.
He held his hands up, "No judgment here ladies. I bitch about them all the time too. And I'm not dating them."
Pepper and Jane are torn between “well, that’s okay then” and “HEY!” because nobody gets to bitch about Tony and Thor but them.
Pepper and Jane were still giving a smug Darcy dark looks.
I’m not quite sure why Darcy was being such a snot in this. I really like Darcy as a character, and am writing her in something else right now ( ... )
The first time I wrote this I had “a sit rep report” before I realized that it qualified for inclusion in a report from the Department of Redundancy Department. The “rep” in sit rep stands for report, dumb ass. (On the bright side I caught that before my beta mentioned it, so I was saved that embarrassment.)
Jarvis makes Clint the wee-est bit uncomfortable. Kind of the same way that Arthur Weasley says you should never trust a magical artifact if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.
"Only minor lacerations and contusions, Agent Barton. No cause for concern. Shall I let Agent Romanov know that you inquired?" He would swear that damn computer was laughing at him.
Yeah, Clint, Jarvis is one hundred percent on to you, and knows that you are really asking if Natasha is okay.
"No, that won't be necessary. " At Darcy's glare he added, "uh, thanks."
Be polite to the house, Clint. It ( ... )
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