I've made a lot of new friends in the past day or three over at the lovely and incomparable
And then I suddenly realized that there are like two posts on here from this year, and one of them is super-maudlin and about my dead mum OH HI THAT MAKES A GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION.
So, I says to myself, so. Let's begin as we mean to go on, tidy up a bit and introduce ourselves and maybe they won't notice. ::hides dust cloth covered in cobwebs behind back.::
I'm Kadollan, or Bekah, or Kade -- Kade is good. I just turned 39 last week, and I'm finally starting to get a hang of this whole "grown up" concept. I have a husband, three kids, and a dog, and Oh Lord...I live in the suburbs. From the outside (and as far as my boss or co-workers know) I appear to be about as normal a middle-American wife and mother as one could ever hope to meet.
Little do they know.
I was a tiny fangirl when I was a kid, although I didn't even know that was a thing. I read Elfquest as the glossy graphic novels were being published and I played made up games, wrote an "Elvendex" (a comprehensive glossary of all of the characters ever) and drew some truly horrific fan art. I was, like, ten, okay?
I spent my teenage years reading science fiction and fantasy (I have a lot of feelings about Robert Heinlein and Anne McCaffrey) and generally being a reclusive nerd.
These early experiences set me up beautifully for internet fandom. I met
cybermathwitch while we were both in college. We were watching Buffy together and she introduced me to this whole "people that live in this tiny box will talk to you about this show, and they write stories too!" concept.
To which I responded: Whoa.
I never really got active in Buffy fandom (although I did read some pretty good fic. Including one truly outrageous and cracky affair based on the pre-supposition that Oz and Scott from Austin Powers were actually the same person. Good times.) But that was okay because hard and fast on the heels of Buffy was Harry Potter, and then it was all over for me. Good night. Go home.
I have always been a fairly passive member of fandom. I read A LOT, I write a little, and I bugger off for a while (but never stay gone for long).
I love Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings (like to a nearly religious level...and I'm not actually exaggerating much), The Avengers (hello!), Star Trek (most, if not all incarnations), Narnia (although I have mixed feelings about the movies) and... hell. I just like stories, you know?
So, here's my philosophy about all this (is anyone still reading? Have I gone on too long?) I have lots of ships, and rarely will refuse to read something based on the pairing (with the notable and definite exception of cross-gen, incest or other such squicksome nonsense). What I am saying is, I'll read Darcy/Clint (especially if it's based in New Mexico) and still love me some Clint/Natasha. I can read Steve/Tony and Steve/Bucky and love both story lines. I kind of see each individual story as separate and independent. Make me believe it in your world, and I'm yours. I'm in it for the writing, the feels, and the community. This also means that I never rain on any one else's shipping or fandom parade. If you are reading and writing stories that make you happy then good on ya. Keep doing that.
Nice you meet you!