No, that didn't really make me feel any better.
So, I called my doctor's office yesterday. My results were in, but the doctor hadn't reviewed them yet. They set them aside for her to review, and called back today.
TSH is "normal" when it's 0.5 to 5.0. Several years ago, mine was 3.4. Last November, it was 4.61. In February, it was 5.63. Last week's test comes out at 0.5
Of course, the moron at the test results line points out that this suggests over-active my mind, this might be ok for a while, if it meant losing weight (LOL!) ...but what it could also mean is a pituitary gland problem, or that my thyroid is so screwed up that everything's working overtime to compensate.
My free T4 (normal range 0.7-2.0) was 2.0 - about the same as last time. A really low T4 suggests pituitary problems, a really high one suggests either I'm not making enough T3, or that my thyroid is over-active.
So, the other test that wasn't normal was my thyroid antibody test. Your antibodies should be less than 40, or it suggests some sort of auto-immune attack on the thyroid, leading to thyroid failure. My antibodies were 1440.
So, my doctor's office is setting up an appointment for me to have a thyroid scan....and after that, I'll have another appointment with her to review this whole mess.
What an utter mess.