Migraine this evening. Owie, owie, owie.
What does that have to do with religion?
Well....besides making my brain generally squishy, odd things come out of my brain sometimes during migraines.
Today's insights are as follows:
Here I posted a ritual to various computer Gods.
I met two of them this evening. While in the process of trying not to fall asleep in the shower, as an attempt at getting my muscles to relax enough to dial down the migraine a bit. Yes, I'm strange.
Gutenburg I met only in passing...a man in his late middle ages, with salt and pepper hair and a mustache and goatee, in a dark suit, smoking a cigar. He's grumpy.
Net....Net showed me her network. A glittering jeweled spider web in a dozen dimensions, with each of the jewels a node...a place, an idea, a person.... She's a fairly tall thin woman, in tight black jeans, black combat boots, a tight black t-shirt that showed her midriff, and short pink hair. Two legs....6 arms. And she shape shifts into a spider.....a metallic black spider, but with the same pink hair.
And I've got a reasonable picture in my mind of a meditation along the lines of one Rhiannon has had us do a couple of times involving a river through one's past, to stop off and see important events (and/or past lives, if you believe in that sort of thing)....except this isn't a river. It uses Net's network. At some point in the near future, I've got to try it. But not tonight. My brain is too squishy for that.
At any rate...more on this later.