at least the asthma waited until after the family was here...

Dec 28, 2005 09:04


The same thing happens all to often, like a carefully orchestrated ballet...

Take day 6 of 7 days worth of antibiotics.

...wait for it...


Asthma flare-up.


In my house, asthma is like an abusive ex-boyfriend, dressed in a baby-puke-green polyester leisure suit.

"Hey, baby - good to see you again.'ve been sick? I'm so sorry to hear that. What a shame. Are you feeling better? Good...good.... You know I love you, baby. Baby, don't say things like that! Say, baby, do you mind if I throw a party here tonight? You do? Well that's a real shame baby...."


Which, I suppose, is better than things used to be, when I'd get a sinus infection *with* asthma attacks, rather than them coming separately (see the similarities to a disfunctional relationship?) And, slowly, the attacks themselves are generally getting less severe...although that one last year where I spent several days rebuilding a relationship with my nebulizer was pretty bad.

My allergist tells me this is a common thing - as the body removes the dead germs from whatever illness you originally had, the immune system response itself triggers the attack - sort of like an allergy, where it over-reacts to things that don't matter.

Then again, my allergist tells me I should stop getting sick, and that will limit my asthma issues.

That is such a helpful statement.

His theory is that if I started taking decongestants when I start having sinus issues, I'll avoid getting sick. The problem with this is that (1) this is what I'm already doing, because sinus headaches suck rocks, and (2) if the sinus issues still require drugs after about 3 days, I've already got an infection.

The good news is that I have enough drugs here to destroy a small African theoretically, I don't have to go back to the doctor, I can just take drugs as needed. And this isn't a particularly bad flare - my inhaler is doing just fine at keeping things manageable.

asthma, medical

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