Nov 11, 2005 14:11
Bah. My eyes just wont stay open. For nothing. Not even two red bulls, coffee and tea.
There was the big living learning center innaguration last night. And after working 8 hours i went and put on a dress, and ate tons of food at the international buffet. I gave tours to some old people that were generally impressed with the building and that made me proud.
But then, o then, there was a big open bar hullabaloo in the building and it seemed like EVERYONE, every single student, showed up to get wasted. It was a pretty pittyful showing of humanity. It was all fun and games until a little after midnight, when two guys broke out in a fight, and it became a stoopid 30 man brawl. Party shoulda ended right there. But no, around 2 oclock a good lot of people puked up all colors and smells of food. There was no chance of me sleeping whatsoever, and thank god i didnt try because at 4am there was the firealarm, our second one this week. (apparently they had only been functioning since last week, and are still not connected to the fire department)
So now its 2pm at work on a Friday and im about to fall asleep on the keyboard. i slept three hours last nite
I know in some ways im lucky, but the situation i got stuck in last nite was complete shit and my uppers just dont get it.