Apr 10, 2006 15:50
Cell phones, as opposed to prison cells, that is, as I'm not sure what would be an upgrade there. Maximum security to minimum? Isolation to group? Non-padded to padded? Block D to Block A? I hope I never have to find out!
Anyway, the strongest candidates so far are an LG C2000, a Nokia 6102, a Samsung x497 Refurb, and possibly a Sony Ericsson z520a. I've had good luck with Nokias and Samsungs before (Steve swears by Samsungs after he dropped his from the grid onto the deck and it not only didn't shatter but still works perfectly), but have never used a Sony or an LG. My brother likes his Sony, but he's in a different part of the country, too. Has anyone used any of these models or has another one to suggest? (I like the look and features on Motorolas, but had terrible reception problems with the one I had.)