May 27, 2004 19:35
Hi all, i had been waiting to update mine till i heard what you all were going to say. so i knew what i could say. well we all went out to the beach sunday for Vamps graduation party. see feels bad but could only invite a few people thats why some people were not told. on sunday after Munkies party we left and got there around 10:30 or so. we walked up to 711 that night got snacks and food. when we got back we just sat around and talked. the others went to sleep but me vash and tiger stayed up all night talking till about 6 in the morining. a good conversation random but good. we got up and went shoping Bunny and Vamp bought bikinis. then we went out to sun tan. that was two boring for me so i went walking insted met back up with them later. tiger and mukine had to go monday after noon. so after we got back from the beach they left nick said he was comeing back tue. afternoon so that was cool. that night we got chineese food and watched movies i.e. Blue collar comedy tour, chicgo and kill bill. bunny and Vash had some wine i guess it was not to good but bunny got pretty tipsy from it kinda wierd. then next day we got up slowly and just chilled for the morning then we went out into the ocean which was fun. pulling people around and jumping over waves. we were geting tired of the salt water so we asked vamps dad's friend if we could use his pool. he said yes so we went in there for 30 min. playing marco polo. we got out and went up to publix to get ice cream. on the way back we ran into mukie. so we all went back to the house and chilled and ate ice cream. then we went out for pizza wow that was really good pizza. when we went back to the beach Vamps parents made margriteas Vamp tryed one had three sips and threw it out. I didnt drink any i prefer to stay in controle. mukie and Vash drank 2. and Bunny drank 3. needless to say bunny was smashed. trying to stand up she hit the table and spilled a margritea on my xbox. so after that we went out to the beach to try to keep her safe. Vash gaged him self to get the alchoal out of his system. on the beach Vash and Mukie had to carry Bunny. she made it about a mile then could not move. it wasnt to far so me and Vamp went to go get coffie to try to shock her system on our way back to them i kicked over a beach sign it felt good. got to go eat dinner i will finish when i get back