Mar 25, 2006 00:14
Wow I am tired. Just got out of the shower because my sister takes foreverrrr and figured I could update, so what the hell? Also might turn in early tonight. Buduuuuuuuhhhh. Stuff.
I was going to write out a few things that aggravated me today but upon second thought, it's really not a big deal right now and I'd rather forget about it and not stress over it. Nothing big, just...blah, parents.
Instead I'll write about how I had a great workout today (took Katie along, ooh boy she's gonna hate me tomorrow ;D). Friday is ab day, and I really did a lot more than usual so I hope that I'm sore tomorrow >D I also FINALLY managed to do the cross-body sit-ups on that sloping bench (SLOPING BENCH = HARDER), did 12 reps for each set, and 3 sets. HOMG SO PROUD :D I hated that freaking thing the first few weeks I was doing it. Next I just need to be able to do a freaking pull-up X_X NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO ONE. LOLz I suck.
EW I just saw a picture of a female body-builder. GROSSSSSSS. I never wanna look like that; I'm going for endurance, not muscle!
Anyway so after the gym Katie and I went to Subway for sandwiches *_* PSHT my mom tried to tell us that we were ruining our workout because of eating a SANDWICH. A SANDWICH. I'm like 'Yeah okay, and you had PIZZA OMGWTF' And then she was like 'Well I'm not working out!' UM EXCUSE ME? What parallel universe does that make sense in? O__o She doesn't work out, therefore she can have pizza, even though she is supposedly on a diet and trying to lose weight...and I am working out so therefore I can't even have a sandwich? Not to mention the fact that sandwiches ARE NOT BAD FOR YOU WTF. She's been weird today. I'll just leave it at that because I don't feel like getting into it.
Anyway, so I learned a bunch of cool new tricks in Photoshop today :D Practiced on a couple icons and so I was like YEY IKONZ. Hopefully I'll have enough to submit for my challenge pretty soon.
My dad wants me to go work at Lydall this summer. 40 hours a week plus overtime, and the starting pay would be like $9. The hours? 3-1AM, which I'm not exactly thrilled with, but it's better than getting up at the fucking crack of dawn like Price Chopper makes me do. My dad said I'd be working 10 hours a day for 4 days with those kind of hours, and then overtime would be like a 1-9 shift if I had to do that. I was kind of surprised that he suggested I work there, because I remember sometime last year when I was hunting for a job, my mom made the same suggestion and he adamantly refused it. I guess he changed his mind or something. And it's money that I could definitely use. I can't think of any other job around here I could get that would pay me that much; of course it'd only be for the summer I think.
Bah, I dunno. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. If nothing else, it's a way out of Price Chopper and it's evils that force me to rise before the sun D: D: 1 AM on the other hand, is a cake-walk, I mean I go to bed at 2 every night and am up no later than 10:30 the following morning. If I had that job though, I'd have to start going to the gym earlier in the day so I can be to work at 3. I'd be going in with dad too, lol that'd be kind of weird working with him. I wonder if he feels that way too? But it was his idea. He was nice talking to me about it too.
But yeah like I said, I dunno yet. We still haven't heard much about the painting job. My mom is practically insulted by the painting job apparently, because she's always got some reason why I shouldn't do it. I don't know why it should concern her; it'd be a 40-hour a week JOB that would bring in MONEY. She's always like 'You're not gonna like painting all day! It's monotonous and boring and blahblahblah' and yet she COMPLETELY SUPPORTS the possibility of me going to work in a FACTORY where it is ALSO monotonous and boring! Christ, what is with that woman? LOL man.
Well despite what she thinks, I'm going to make my own decision. I do have to keep in mind my best interest, and if one job will get me further than the other, I'll have to take it, even if it'll suck more. I really have to start saving up money and preparing to move out because I only have another year before I want to get the ball rolling here. I don't want to push the date back anymore, so...this summer might suck ass, but it'd be for the best in the end.
Anyway, enough braining for me. I'll be off to bed in a bit. Must...sleep...