controversy and other stuff

Sep 29, 2008 02:03


'sup world.

Well, I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year! I've always wanted to try it, and last year I really wanted to do it but I decided a bit too late, because the month was about half-over and there was no way in hell I'd have been able to get it done on time. But I may actually have a good idea of what I want to write about! And it's great that we don't have to worry about quality, I can just pull this shit out of my ass as long as I keep writing it. Although I gotta say I've always been pretty good at bullshitting XD

So, who wants to be my writing buddies?!

I've also been doing lots of web design lately! Jesus christ I get severe tunnel-vision when I start a project, I seriously will forget to eat, or ignore the hunger. But I've learned a lot more so I'm happy! I hope someday I'll be good enough to do this for a living, I've got CSS and HTML and some PHP down, but I still know very little about MySQL...and I do this off and on, so sometimes I need brushing up because I get a little rusty if I don't keep in practice. I sort of wish I knew others who are totally into web design too because it'd definitely motivate me more, but I still find it extremely fulfilling somehow every time I learn something new. I actually LOVE TO LEARN THIS STUFF. Is this how it truly feels to be a nerd?! OMG! XD

Oh yeah, and Friday night I got to see the Obama-McCain debate. I was really psyched about getting to see it live and not having to wait for it to be put on YouTube like I usually do, but in fact I left feeling as though I wouldn't really have missed out on anything had I not gone. They basically repeated the same things over and over and old man McCain kept insisting that "OBAMA DOESN'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAAANND" when in fact Obama continued to prove that he actually did understand. wasn't that interesting to me. War war war, okay, can we talk about stuff concerning our own country here?

but what I'm REALLY looking forward to is the Biden-Palin debate OH HOLY SHIT THAT WILL BE SO FUCKING AWESOME I cannot WAIT to see that Devil-Woman fall flat on her ass. Although I'll have to listen to her horrible voice during the hour+ that it takes place, it will most surely be worth it. Seriously, Kathy's right, I'm like OFFENDED by her voice or something, but I just can't stand to listen to her! Have you heard her? It's awful! *flail* Wahh. If she becomes the VP and for some reason McCain dies, WE'RE STUCK WITH THE VOICE FOR FOUR YEARS!!

Well anyway, now for something totally different! Stolen from Kathy:

The Controversial Survey

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Well obviously :P

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
*makes a face* No!!

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
For, definitely. I am pro-choice. I don't think anyone has any business making it illegal, it is the woman's choice and it's her body. I'm not saying that it's an excuse for people to be irresponsible and then run off to the clinic the second they get pregnant, but for crying out loud, most women have legitimate reasons for being unable to keep the baby. And I think it's absolutely ridiculous when people try to claim that it's murder, and that "life begins at conception" well usually at the point you'd be getting an abortion, that "baby" is just a clump of cells! This is just more of the church getting in the way of peoples' rights. It pisses me off.

[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
No, of course not. Women are just as capable as men. But that doesn't mean that I would settle for just ANY woman president, same as I wouldn't for just ANY man. I wouldn't vote based on gender, that would be entirely stupid.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
Err well that's a little complicated... I mean, if you can be 100% positive that the prisoner actually did commit the crime, then yes, I would be for it, jails are becoming far too cluttered these days. On the other hand, sometimes a prisoner is there because he/she has been wrongly convicted, and how do you know for sure? Do you just put them to death without having solid evidence? Isn't that why most states don't have the death penalty?

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I don't...particularly care...LOL. It actually doesn't matter, because people are going to do it no matter what. It may as well be legalized, because honestly there are far worse drugs out there and this is exactly why the jails are being cluttered up.

Say the cops arrest Jimmy for smoking pot. Basically now he's taking up room in jail just because he got high and sat on his couch laughing himself stupid for a few hours. I didn't say it was smart, but seriously he's not committing any murders here. They should be saving the room for all the freaking rapists and murderers lurking around, instead of throwing in all the potheads they can find. I just think that is really retarded.

And like I said, people are going to do it whether you make it illegal or not, and I actually think that if it's legal, not as many people will do it. Why the hell else would you do something illegal? Because it's wrong and makes you feel ~*bad*~ right?

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
For, obviously. Living in sin here ;D PFFT. I really don't give a shit about waiting until marriage. If you care for and trust the person you're with, I see nothing wrong with it. Plus, hey, what's wrong with testing out the merchandise? LOL!

[08] Do you believe in God?
No, I'm actually pretty much athiest.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. And not marriage by another name, like ~*CIVIL UNION*~ No, no, no. Gay couples deserve the same rights as any straight couple. We're all people. I really think it's that simple. I really hate it when I see people protesting gay marriage or like being OFFENDED because somebody is gay. Like, why is it ANY of your effing business? Get on with your own life and let others be happy with theirs, for fuck's sake!

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
I don't know that I really have an opinion on this... I mean I know some of them are just desperate to escape, but hey? America's really not shaping up to be a much better place! I do think that if they're going to take jobs as telemarketers or call center people, they REALLY need to know better English because seriously nothing annoys me more than not being able to understand somebody on a phone call that I most likely didn't even want to make in the first place.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Fuck if I know, does she want it?? I'm not going to tell anyone what they should do as if I'm some sort of fucking elitist.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
It doesn't matter, as with the marijuana question, people are going to do it no matter what. Lowering the legal age won't really do anything.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Absolutely. I don't fucking get why we're there in the first place, we should have been in Afghanistan catching Osama F'n Bin Laden.

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Uh, what?? Isn't that basically killing somebody? Well I sure as hell wouldn't do it.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Oh, the tirades I could go into! Yes, absolutely yes! I was a damn brat as a child and I was spanked when I deserved it, and I really think I turned out better for it. I think children need a good spanking now and then, nothing wrong with instilling a little fear in 'em. Parents these days are fucking STUPID, I'm sorry, but you don't let your kid scream their lungs out and act like a spoiled brat while not doing anything about it because "ZOMG MY LITTLE RALPH IS A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE AND WE MUSN'T RAISE HIM WITH VIOLENCE!!11" It's not violence, it's just a little DISCIPLINE. Too many children these days lack it.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Uhh okay? Is this some sort of horrendous crime? Seriously it's a piece of fabric when you get right down to it...

[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama, if that's not obvious enough LOL. Really though, I think he could do so much good for this country, and we're in dire need of a breath of fresh air.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Hell no. Anyone who's been paying attention already knows what I think about most of this stuff anyway ;D

LOL why am I still awake?? *zombie*

survey, web design, nanowrimo, election 08

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