Don't forget that our life is formed because of choices we make. They may not be biological, but choices do change who we are as a person and how our life turns out. People make the wrong choices ALOT unfortunately, and making choices consciously is one of those things that makes us different from just the animals. Being able to choose gives you freedom.
I think you can choose to believe or not to believe though. You can learn different things and choose the one that makes the most sense to you to believe in. It's different for everyone. I bet you can ask even a group of people who have the same beliefs or say they have the same beliefs, and there will always be at least one thing that differs in each of their own 'moral codes' and beliefs if you will.
LOL I dunno if that really related to exactly what you were saying and I'm not trying to disagree, just offering a view on it. I've found that my ways of thinking have changed especially over these past 2 years alot and it's just from learning new things. There was a study that said something like your beliefs system will change and evolve every seven years. I've certainly found that to be true.
My favorite saying still, Different Strokes for Different Folks. I just wish everyone could pursue what they wanted and believe what they wanted without being mocked and ridiculed. People wonder why Christians are seen in such a bad light. They are VERY corrupt and no better than anyone else, but THEY believe themselves to be BETTER and SUPERIOR and that's their downfall. I've seen it over and over again with my own two eyes throughout my experiences.
I'm much happier on my own with my own beliefs although I still always worry about religious aspects and beliefs. I definitely think that you can believe in God and evolution at the same time. It's like Intelligent Design. And the Bible IS like a history book, but everything probably did not happen exactly like it says in the book. Like maybe the stories that are told in it are a way of letting the human mind relate to things and understand them simply before science was ever invented and we found out all the scientific principles and such. I still don't think that such a complex and huge universe could've happened by chance.
In any case, I definitely agree about the homosexuality. If you can be born knowing you're the wrong gender (although I think people make way too big of a deal about gender and all the stereotypes) you can definitely be born homosexual. I still think it's nature's safety catch to make sure the earth isn't overpopulated. Just look at the animal kingdom for major homosexuality too! OK LOL I'm supposed to be doing my public speaking stuff now. I'll talk to you laterz!
LOL you're going a lot deeper than what I was saying, but I agree, peoples' lives are formed by their choices. I'm not saying that NOBODY ever chooses whether or not they believe in a religion, but for me personally, it was never really a choice. It's always just been like a personal taste, not necessarily something I chose, you know? I compared tastes to choices (which probably didn't exactly illustrate the point I was going for but it was the best I could think of XD) because I have a hard time seeing religion as a choice that people consciously make since it never was the case with me. I think that over time I just kind of discovered on my own what I did or didn't believe in.
But definitely, your tastes and beliefs do change over time. Mine have been very slowly changing over the years too, so I believe that as well. There wouldn't be any room to grow if everyone stayed stuck in their old-fashioned views XD *SHAKES CANE*
LOL and that saying always reminds me of that TV show, with that smartass kid. "WHATCHOO TALKIN' 'BOUT WILLS!?" Even though I never even watched it!
ANYWAY. Yeah, I wish all Christians could be like you homie XD But at the same time, I know that plenty of them are perfectly nice people. It's just that the ones that scream the loudest are the ones who give their whole group a bad rep, just as some of the Atheists who make it seem as though all non-believers are devil-worshipping, cross-burning, puppy-kicking heathens. It's the reason I'm hesitant to even say I'm not religious. But as you mentioned before, beliefs tend to evolve as you grow older and learn new things. Maybe a few years from now I'll have discovered a new system of beliefs that makes more sense to me.
LOL yeah I agree on the gender thing, society defines gender and just because you're a guy who likes girly things doesn't mean you WERE MEANT TO BE A GIRL. I have a pretty hard time believing that people can be born into the wrong gender. That's something decided upon conception pretty much LOL, one of the very first things to happen to make you who you are. Well, unless you're like a hermaphrodite and the doctors have to choose your gender FOR YOU, then I can totally see somebody who was the wrong gender, only they wouldn't have been born that way anyway XD
ZOMG NOVELS. LOL I hope you had fun speaking publicly! <333
Thanks for your reply XD ILU homie! I'm glad we can talk about deep stuff and differing views without being hateful and such and how we do agree on alot of things as well!
About gender, it has more to do with the mind and psychology than biology what I was talking about. There are people who honestly believe they should've been born as another gender maybe because of the things they're into or do but to them it's a FEELING that their physical gender is wrong. And alot of those people opt to change their genders through the use of hormones and surgeries. I just don't see why we can't all just like what we like and do what we do. Although I'm a hypocrite cuz sometimes I do judge on stuff like OMG HE'S A GUY HE SHOULDN'T DO THAT or w/e LOL! I think it's generally more acceptable for girls to act manly than it is for guys to act girly. Must be that whole 'men rule the world' thing LOL
I actually only have to speak publicly when I make the official speeches and there are only four of those ;DDD I hav e all my lessons on the internet and then I do a short assignment at the end of all of them, and quizzes at the end of some of them ;DDD so yeah I decided to do four of those and I'm like almost done. Then I'm going to go to the gym OMFG WISH ME LUCK AND STUFF!
NP SHADY ILU2! I'm also glad we can talk about stuff like this and be mature and understanding about it all XD I've always thought it was great that we can be such close friends and yet have diverse beliefs, because I know not everyone has an easy time with it. MUST BE OUR AWESOME SHOWING Y/Y?
Ohhh okay I get what you're saying now XD I immediately just thought about the physical aspects when you originally brought that up, LOL. And you're right! When girls act boyish, they're called tomboys and it's accepted as a normal behavior, but when boys act girly, people call them gay! Society ought to be a bit more flexible when it comes to what's acceptable for either gender XD
OH OH BUT, FUN FACT: Years ago I was watching this documentary on this teenage girl who was having an operation so that she could become a boy. Her name was Kate, and she wanted to choose a new name for herself when she became a boy, so she ended up changing her name to KADE. Which is where I got that name ;D Except I saw it as more of a unisex name, LOL!
XD that's good though, doesn't sound too hard! OMFG GOOD LUCK ON ALL YOUR ENDEAVORS HOMIE *TEARFUL GOODBYE*
I think you can choose to believe or not to believe though. You can learn different things and choose the one that makes the most sense to you to believe in. It's different for everyone. I bet you can ask even a group of people who have the same beliefs or say they have the same beliefs, and there will always be at least one thing that differs in each of their own 'moral codes' and beliefs if you will.
LOL I dunno if that really related to exactly what you were saying and I'm not trying to disagree, just offering a view on it. I've found that my ways of thinking have changed especially over these past 2 years alot and it's just from learning new things. There was a study that said something like your beliefs system will change and evolve every seven years. I've certainly found that to be true.
My favorite saying still, Different Strokes for Different Folks. I just wish everyone could pursue what they wanted and believe what they wanted without being mocked and ridiculed. People wonder why Christians are seen in such a bad light. They are VERY corrupt and no better than anyone else, but THEY believe themselves to be BETTER and SUPERIOR and that's their downfall. I've seen it over and over again with my own two eyes throughout my experiences.
I'm much happier on my own with my own beliefs although I still always worry about religious aspects and beliefs. I definitely think that you can believe in God and evolution at the same time. It's like Intelligent Design. And the Bible IS like a history book, but everything probably did not happen exactly like it says in the book. Like maybe the stories that are told in it are a way of letting the human mind relate to things and understand them simply before science was ever invented and we found out all the scientific principles and such. I still don't think that such a complex and huge universe could've happened by chance.
In any case, I definitely agree about the homosexuality. If you can be born knowing you're the wrong gender (although I think people make way too big of a deal about gender and all the stereotypes) you can definitely be born homosexual. I still think it's nature's safety catch to make sure the earth isn't overpopulated. Just look at the animal kingdom for major homosexuality too! OK LOL I'm supposed to be doing my public speaking stuff now. I'll talk to you laterz!
But definitely, your tastes and beliefs do change over time. Mine have been very slowly changing over the years too, so I believe that as well. There wouldn't be any room to grow if everyone stayed stuck in their old-fashioned views XD *SHAKES CANE*
LOL and that saying always reminds me of that TV show, with that smartass kid. "WHATCHOO TALKIN' 'BOUT WILLS!?" Even though I never even watched it!
ANYWAY. Yeah, I wish all Christians could be like you homie XD But at the same time, I know that plenty of them are perfectly nice people. It's just that the ones that scream the loudest are the ones who give their whole group a bad rep, just as some of the Atheists who make it seem as though all non-believers are devil-worshipping, cross-burning, puppy-kicking heathens. It's the reason I'm hesitant to even say I'm not religious. But as you mentioned before, beliefs tend to evolve as you grow older and learn new things. Maybe a few years from now I'll have discovered a new system of beliefs that makes more sense to me.
LOL yeah I agree on the gender thing, society defines gender and just because you're a guy who likes girly things doesn't mean you WERE MEANT TO BE A GIRL. I have a pretty hard time believing that people can be born into the wrong gender. That's something decided upon conception pretty much LOL, one of the very first things to happen to make you who you are. Well, unless you're like a hermaphrodite and the doctors have to choose your gender FOR YOU, then I can totally see somebody who was the wrong gender, only they wouldn't have been born that way anyway XD
ZOMG NOVELS. LOL I hope you had fun speaking publicly! <333
About gender, it has more to do with the mind and psychology than biology what I was talking about. There are people who honestly believe they should've been born as another gender maybe because of the things they're into or do but to them it's a FEELING that their physical gender is wrong. And alot of those people opt to change their genders through the use of hormones and surgeries. I just don't see why we can't all just like what we like and do what we do. Although I'm a hypocrite cuz sometimes I do judge on stuff like OMG HE'S A GUY HE SHOULDN'T DO THAT or w/e LOL! I think it's generally more acceptable for girls to act manly than it is for guys to act girly. Must be that whole 'men rule the world' thing LOL
I actually only have to speak publicly when I make the official speeches and there are only four of those ;DDD I hav e all my lessons on the internet and then I do a short assignment at the end of all of them, and quizzes at the end of some of them ;DDD so yeah I decided to do four of those and I'm like almost done. Then I'm going to go to the gym OMFG WISH ME LUCK AND STUFF!
Ohhh okay I get what you're saying now XD I immediately just thought about the physical aspects when you originally brought that up, LOL. And you're right! When girls act boyish, they're called tomboys and it's accepted as a normal behavior, but when boys act girly, people call them gay! Society ought to be a bit more flexible when it comes to what's acceptable for either gender XD
OH OH BUT, FUN FACT: Years ago I was watching this documentary on this teenage girl who was having an operation so that she could become a boy. Her name was Kate, and she wanted to choose a new name for herself when she became a boy, so she ended up changing her name to KADE. Which is where I got that name ;D Except I saw it as more of a unisex name, LOL!
XD that's good though, doesn't sound too hard! OMFG GOOD LUCK ON ALL YOUR ENDEAVORS HOMIE *TEARFUL GOODBYE*
lolwtfidk MUGEN
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