i'm either...

Oct 12, 2006 22:12

busy or tired. never anything else.

i couldn't nap today because it was too cold in my house. i laid around though and then i made macaroni and cheese.

i've been watching tv all night. i don't work tomorrow because I've started the weekend rotation at work, and now have off some friday's and work some sunday's. it's pretty annoying and i'm not pleased with it.

the office was funny tonight.

i also enjoyed grey's anatomy.

i'm giving the deul a chance right now, but I don't think i'm gonna follow it or anything like that.

i sit at a computer for 9 or so hours a day at work, so when i come home i don't usually feel like sitting in front of the computer long enough to update on here. no biggy. i don't have much anything of importance to say.

nov. 3rd i'm flying to north carolina for the weekend for kaylee's baptism. i'm glad i'll finally get to see the little bugger!

the weekend following i have a holiday day to take on friday and i'm taking a personal day on monday - so thursday i'll head to pittsburgh to meet up with trevor because we are going to the steeler game on sunday. i can't wait.

that thursday everyone at work is going to the k-fed concert... as a joke. i had planned on going as well, and bedazzling everyone wife-beaters, bandanas and/or trucker caps that say things like, "playa," "papa zao," "i heart k-fed..." etc. Then i remembered that it's the weekend i'm going to pgh... so i am not going to the concert. but i still may be bedazzling shirts - that is if i win the ebay bid for the bead refills! nice.

ok. night.
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