Book of the Month: July 2010

Jul 04, 2010 17:21

 July, 2010--Okay, another month off ... really must get my blood sugar sorted out. Anyway, C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia. Children's books the way they were meant to be written. Actually, if only more books for adults were this well written ... I think I first started reading these around the age of eight, and I still love them. Wit, whimsy, and a wild streak one seldom encounters anywhere. Probably also some of the few fantasy novels written by a professor of medieval literature, mixing characters and ideas from the modern world with those that seem to genuinely come from a bygone age. Good, evil, talking animals, addictive candy, mad magicians, portals to other worlds, swashbuckling mice ... need I go on? And how can you say no to a novel that starts with the line, "There was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrub, and he very nearly deserved it."?

book of the month

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