The Best of 2012: Day 9-20

Dec 20, 2012 12:48

December 9 Challenge. Something that really made you grow this year. That made you go to your edge and then some. What made it the best challenge of the year for you?

I want to work towards my CVT as well as a VTS in my field so anytime something comes in that could potentially count as experience I take it. You want to do a chest tap on a guinea pig? Ok. Need to drill a hole into the turtle's head plate to stitch him back together after a lawnmower accident. Let me go get the dental equipment. You think that the heska pumps aren't rated for blood products? Let me research the hell out of it and then put a PDF and AP on my Ipad so I can do them by hand without a pump until we know for sure. As a result, I have a real non-nonsense, no feet dragging attitude at work.

December 10 Album of the year. What's rocking your world?
This came out two years before but I picked up Liebe ist fur Alle da by Rammstein and have been rocking out to that a lot.

image Click to view

December 11 The best place. A coffee shop? A pub? A retreat center? A cubicle? A nook?

The top of Flat Iron

December 12 New food:

I'm still increasing my recipes but here's a few I learned this year with delicious results!

Apple Dumpling -

Chicken Enchiladas -

Steamed Clams (Steamers pictured) -

Clam Chowder -

December 13 What's the best change you made to the place you live?:
We switched the furnace from oil to natural gas which has been a lifesaver in the finances. We still like to use our fireplace though and will probably look into a wood stove insert for 2013.

December 14 Rush. When did you get your best rush of the year?

I've had my share of rushes this year.
Crazy night at work: You know it's bad when we have to do a ferret transfusion among a million other critical cases.
Rammstein: We didn't realize how far away from the DCU center we were but we got there with a few minutes to spare (and the band was late anyway).
Getting Married: A lot of intricate planning. Anything involving planes for travel makes me nervous because I would hate to miss a flight. We also kept it a secret from Ryan's mother until the day the arrived in Las Vegas.
Trans Siberian Orchestra: Ry decided to surprise me with tickets last night but I had to run out and print them at the library (our printer is broken). He was in a meeting long so we had to hurry to the city. We sat in the wrong backed up exit but luckily the one we needed was clear. We had both never been to the Dunk so we had to run from parking to the center, fortunately I know how to read B). We ran to our section and our seats were seriously right next to us and the concert started as we sat down.

December 15 Best packaging. Did your headphones come in a sweet case? See a bottle of tea in another country that stood off the shelves?
I've finally taken a notice to wine bottle and beer labels though I don't drink either of those! A few of the artists that I have faved on dA are for their work with breweries and wineries.

December 16 Tea of the year. I can taste my favorite tea right now. What's yours?
Peace Iced Tea has no become synonymous with my name at work...I tried a few of theor new flavors like cranberry and pink lemonade but I'm still in love with Lemon and Razzleberry. I also like Arizona's Southern Sweet Tea but it is so bad for me!

December 17 Word or phrase. A word that encapsulates your year. "2012 was _______."
A very happy year indeed.

December 18 Shop. Online or offline, where did you spend most of your mad money this year?
Amazon though I am trying to make a better effort to shop in small, local businesses. This year I started using the local card shop, a gun shop, a pizzqa shop (best ever), 2 small liquor stores and 2 bars in our area.

December 19 Car ride. What did you see? How did it smell? Did you eat anything as you drove there? Who were you with?

The Las Vegas strip with my family was very colorful. This is a picture of old Fremont Street. I was way too busy on the Boulevard to take any photos.

This is the tail end of our long, loooong drive between Nevada and Arizona (which was more like the Hills have Eyes) -

I also stopped at an In and Out after a CA intern at work convinced me it was the fast food experience I was missing -

December 20 New person. She came into your life and turned it upside down. He went out of his way to provide incredible customer service. Who is your unsung hero of 2012?
I love this new tech at work because she is so good at what she does and so smart too. She really is an inspiration!

best of

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