Jan 21, 2005 00:15
Ten Commandments for the Religious Right
1.Thou shalt not become addicted to thine own religion as if it is a drug and make complete fools of thyselves and thy God.
2.Thou shalt not wear big pink or lavender rinsed hair and more makeup then a drag queen in a Gay Pride Parade.
3.Thou shall hire a gay designer to create the sets for your televangelist television programs. The streets of Heaven may be paved with gold but everything on the set should not. Remember, ostentation is bad, less is more.
4.Thou shalt not close thy minds to other religions and beliefs as I have a part in all that is.
5.Thou shalt not go door to door handing out tacky, cheap pamphlets and encroaching on people's privacy to sell thine God. No one wants your (version) obnoxious, pushy God anyway.
6.Thou shalt stop reinterpreting the Word of God to suit your own dysfunctional needs.
7.Thou shalt not kill in My name. Leave the abortion clinics alone and stop the rhetoric that provokes Hate Crimes.
8.Thou shalt not be of this world or in Politics. Which means live your own life and let everyone else live theirs.
9.Thou shalt not steal. If thou hast thy hair done by a gay hairdresser, eat the food prepared by a gay chef, use the furniture or view the art of gay designers and artists, live or work in a building designed by a gay architect,
accept peanuts from a gay flight attendant, read classic literature by gay authors, accept mail from gay mail persons, or remain free due to the sacrifice of gay soldiers, thou must accept that gay men and women can be gay and
Christian at the same time and that they deserve all the rights and freedoms that you enjoy.
10.Most importantly, remember that the United States of America is FREE FOR ALL and not just to those who believe as you do.