Sep 30, 2010 02:26
I've been watching the recent Jin music talks. He's confusing me so much. Like before he came across as really strong and cool and 'American'. But in these he's soooo adorable. I can feel the shyness radiating from the screen. Like he's sorta embarassed all his song is about partying and that he likes it so much....
It's def different from the stoic faces or with half naked girl pics or whatever.
And what's up with his English? Sometimes he doesn't express himself as in my mp3, I know what he was trying to say, something like "everytime I try writing a ballad it turns into a party song instead". I dunno, it's so simple, why was he struggling? (i was quite proud he knew the word metaphor tho) And in Tipsy Love, he totally lost me. Something about people not really knowing love? Or they know but they can't express it the right way?? And why do the TV station intentionally make it that way? Almost like they're showing off his 'foreign-ness' and 'Japanese-ness' when he was the one that was like "I feel like an American living in Japan" -_-
Awwww it's ok jin, it's your japanese-ness that makes you more relatable to me anyways. OK, and your love of hip hop and semi-American ways xP