spirit week

Oct 15, 2005 12:51

this has honestly been the BEST week of my life. so monday the dress up day was safety day and i went in a hard hat and a harness and work gloves.. everyone thought i was a rock climber..tuesday was 50s day. cuuuttesst outfit ah i loved it. then wednesday was western.. i must say i really do love western clothes. then wednesday night there was bench from like 3 till whenever we got done so that night was honestly the most random night. so first i get to bench do some stuff then vy asks me to go chalk irvington so we go on our way to do that but then we needed to get a black shirt so we went to target and got that then we went to kinkos cuz we needed to make a copy of a guest pass then well not so fun happened but after that ended we went to irvington and drew a huge 06 in the parking lot toook a year and a half but oh well it was going to be hella cool. so then after that we went back to caitlins where things were ending (it was about 11 i guess at this time) then i went home took a shower then went back over to caitlins for awhile then me and katie W left and headed to Vys were we decorated our shirts then around 2 some of us decided to go to dennys cuz well the whole senior class was supposed to go but only kyle, jd, danny, shannon, nicole, ryan and me showed up. but it was still pretty fun took forever to get our food but oh well. then afterwards me and shannon went in ryans car and we went and visited alex then kyle and them came and then justin came. haha boo koo is the best! so then i got a ride back with alex to dennys to get my car nicole and shannon met us there and they got in the back seat cuz they had to hold down this cardboard car.. lets just say driving with the top down at 4 in the morning in october makes you wnat to die. haha so we went and got our stuff from vys and then met at irvington and we parked in a huge 06 it was freakin awesome but howell told us we had to move. so we set up and did all that and our skit was awesome and so was our spirit..which by the way we got first in.

well ill update later cuz this is long and i need to clean up some of my house
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