a little sparkle to look forward to...

Apr 11, 2009 22:47

So, I'm still on the never ending job search, the temp agency has nothing, and my student loan is about to kick in at a good 200 a month, evilness especially when coupled with my car payment and being stuck in my parents house indefinitely =/  I guess on a good note/pointless victory, I got my diploma for my MA in the mail yesterday, yay for useless education.

Anyhow, I needed a cheap pick-me-up so I've been working on a little outfit for the Renaissance Fair and am just about done, I'm going with a few friends on the 19th =)  let me know if you're going we'll meet up!

heres my outfit, before ironing the seams, and without the shirt thingy that I'm currently working on =)

Oh, and thats my second underbust style corset in my little teaching-myself-to-make-corsets project =p

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