A horse is freed

Dec 27, 2019 03:58

A gentle wind carried the last scent of smoke away from the land. The ground will drink blood as willingly as it drinks water. All things return to the earth even the sons of mothers, along with the wild hares and stolen livestock that filled the bellies of those poor boys, whos last meals satiated nothing but their spirits. The hunger of battle mattered more. I stood in this ill fated and unplanned graveyard and wondered if this day brought anything of value. Death is always a gift but the reason for this death seemed foolish. What compelled these sophisticated animals to kill their own kind as some score card for an argument that wasnt even theirs? The world of men continued to confound me as I wandered amongst the most grusome squalor I had ever born witness to. I can't fathom ever understanding why this occurred and even what occured. They killed until someone commanded that they stop and so they did. The living took their enemies into their arms as friends.

They tended to their wounds, disposed of their corpses with care and became brothers in an instant. I bore witness and was heavy in spirit, for I was also an accomplice. I'm a simple beast, bound by the bit to my rider. I carried my man forward until he too was cut down as so many others, but for now I am tied to no one and free to muse on these mistakes of men.
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