When we last left...

Jun 19, 2007 18:54

Lack of a steady internet connection at home is aiding and abetting my seemingly sporadic posting attempts. But when we last left off...

Memorial Day weekend was like one giant BBQ. Thanks again to all who joined us on Saturday. Other than the major downpour, it was a lot of fun. I think we made over 5 lbs of sausage and that was gobbled up pretty quickly plus other people brought lots of other good treats to eat. Sunday to cure my hangover, we went on a tandem bike ride. Almost like being a passenger, which was nice. Then after nearly getting caught in the next major downpour, we hit another BBQ. And then Monday was BBQ madness, hitting 3 of them including one out in Mt. Airy at Jason's new digs. Very cool!
Tuesday, I got out to Ms. Sherr's inaugural karaoke night at Khyber-it was packed and lots of fun. After that the week was a blur of work prep. I picked up a big job in LA for the following week along with some other PR work.
The following week, on Monday, I worked out in K of P on a pharma thing.
Wednesday, I flew to LA to do a webcast on the set of the show "The Closer." I changed my status to 1 degree of Kevin Bacon and got to hang out with Shok, see his apt and even have him work for me for a day. Friday AM I flew back, tried to sleep and work at the same time, and then went to Al's vodka party. SOOO good. The food was amazing and despite at least 4 shots, I felt good--no--downright great the next morning. Note to all-deviled eggs and pickle juice will save us all!
Saturday I spent the day working with Robbie Knievel. I had my first ever police escort as I traveled down I-95 trying to beat the pack of motorcycles traveling from Philly to Wilmington for Robbie's big jump. Whew, what a day and the jump really was amazing. And since my cameraman was up on a scissorlift, it was the first time I've ever produced via cell phone that I can remember.
Sunday we hit A4T$P and picked up some great stuff. Then out to dinner for Sushi since at some point recently we tried to go, unsucessfully. And then we went to see "Machines, Machines, Machines, Machines, Machines, Machines" which was really good! Wrapped up with a post show drink at the Dive since it was on the way home.
Wednesday I went and picked up the dogs at mom's since I'd left them there again with all my traveling going on. We sat and watched Xanadu :) Friday I did a media tour and then went out for drinks with the guys from VL. Good to see them since we hadn't hung out in a while. And the food at Ludwigs was definitely worth the wait. Wrapped up the day by doing a fast edit for Chris on the documentation for his Remote piece so he could apply to an art festival in Europe. Crossing fingers. Saturday we went to Uke bar to celebrate Mark's birthday. Sunday we went out to Mom V's for dinner. We took the dogs who had a GREAT time in her backyard.

Coming up is more work work work, which is great. I've also been playing with the new camera and editing software. That is working quite nicely, thank goodness. I'm also learning a new accounting program and I think I finally have all of my info for this year entered correctly--but we'll see what the accountant says. This week is crazy- Thursday - Philly Soul outing with the VL folks, Dinner in the NE on Friday, a performance and Kimmi's bday party on Saturday, Dinner with Mom V out in West Chester on Sunday, and hopefully a birthday surprise for Chris on Monday. Geez, when am I going to have TIME to work. Thank goodness for the crackberry.

Till the next time I manage to keep a connection going and remember to write everything down....
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