Christmas this year=BEST EVERR!!
Last night i got<3...
- Make up from "Santa"
- A pacsun GC from my Aunt Kris && uncle bob
- A purse//pedicure stuff//a pedicure *Ticket* lol//&& a mary kay GC from Katie:)
- A COW patern SKISH pillow from Ron && Sharon
- A high mateness bath set//purse//2 notebooks from Rob&&Faith
- Christ got Chocolatw from "Santa"
- && of corse i got my RING fromm Christ<3
- && my really CUTE FOX racing hoodie from him as well:)
My DAD gave me a BLACK nano IPOD:)
This morningg i went to lindsays && got..
- Alice in wonderland DVD
- Nightmare b4 x-mas DVD..again lol
- Charlie && the Chocolte Factory
- BJORK greatest hits CD
- the Gorillaz CD
Went back to my house..opened my GIANT stockingg..
- MORE Make up
- && more make up
- Alot of CANDY:)
- Bubble bath
- bath pillow
- bath oil beads
- art stuff:-)
- cards? lol
- Tea candels
- Earings<3
- Socks//whoo hoo lol
- cute Gloves..
- Pore cleanser
- Batteries
- ZEBRA nail kit:-P
- && more make up
My mom gave me a Necklace:) && earings:)
Lindsay && Billy came over && gave me..
- Bath && body works set
- scented candles
- JONES SODA holiday SET lol:)
- Panjamas :)
Mom && dad gave me MORE presents:)..
- 2 shirts (Green //brown)
- Orange Victoria Sectreat IPEX bra:)
- Orange mathing thonge:)
- 50 dollar bill:)
Ryan && sarah came by..
- Aeropostal grey//orange Hoodie
- matching sweatpants..
- lotions from Marykayy
Mom && dad finshed off the presents with..
- PINK Pajama buttoms
- Cameras
- && A MASTERCARD for 100 bucket
Christ still got me the BEST present thou<3 im so in love with him<3