Maybe this is a stupid question and I could probably figure out the answer if I trolled LJ long enough, but I'm gonna ask you guys anyway, because that's probably faster
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I organized a jailbreak, so I made it home two days early. Yay! (Sorry I didn't come see you, Rita. I'll see if I can swing by next week some time
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My mom just interrogated me, trying to figure out if I had been replaced by a pod person, because I was listening to a country song. ^.^ It's nice, every once in a while, to be able to throw my mom for a loop
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Went to BG with mom today to take Zoe to Danny's for another week of rehearsals. Mostly, the purpose of this was to buy Aileen more fish (which are very cute and orange and black, except for the algae-eater that's just black) and to make sure mom remembered to go by McDonald's to buy more Neopets toys. We succeeded quite well on the second point
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Well, apparently Danny *doesn't* have appendicitis. He went to the hospital and they ran a bunch of tests and gave him morphine, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him so they're sending him home. How does that make sense, exactly? ...he said he was feeling better, but if you gave me morphine I think I'd be feeling better, too...
I never should have gotten out of bed this morning. I knew that when I woke up at 7:15 this morning. I seriously considered calling in sick to work. I think I caught a cold from my nephew this weekend when I went home. I could have just gone back to bed, slept through my class, gone up to lunch and had a relatively decent day. But then I
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